
You may find here the news published on Hangar’s website between 2006 and 2010

  • (Español) Selección final beca Hangar/CIA de Buenos Aires 2010

    (Español) El jurado del Centro de Investigaciones Artísticas ha seleccionado en primer lugar a Natalia Ibáñez para la residencia de 3 meses (del 15 de septiembre al 15 de diciembre de 2010) y a Lola Lasurt en segundo lugar, en caso de cancelación de la primera seleccionada.

  • (Català) Selecció final beca Hangar/CIA de Buenos Aires 2010

    (Català) El jurat del Centro de Investigaciones Artísticas  ha decidit seleccionar en primer lloc a  Natalia Ibáñez per a la residència de 3 mesos (del 15 de setembre al 15 de desembre de 2010) i en segon lloc a Lola Lasurt, en cas de cancel·lació de la primera seleccionada.

  • Muestra Marrana III

    June 11th , 12th and 13t, starting at 17.00 The Muestra Marrana is not a conventional porn festival. Few of the selected films belong to the mainstream/commercial, and none of them reproduce the limited codes of heteronormative sexualities. Our aim is to show the multiplicity of sexuality and its practice, as well as the reasons why many of these are [...]

  • Shortlist for Berlin and Korea residency grants

    Hangar-AS Geumcheon (Seoul) GrantOut of the 92 applications received, the following were shortlisted:Adolfo Conesa, Ariadna Parreu, Jasmina Llobet, Jesús Palomino, Sergio Roger.Three month residency from September 15th to December 15th, 2010Hangar-Glogauer (Berlin) GrantOut of the 92 applications received, the following were shortlisted:Belén Rodríguez González, Carlos Valverde Castro, Daniel Jacoby, Javier Fresneda, José Jorge Nava.Three month residency from September to November [...]


    (Español) Beca Hangar-AS Geumcheon (Seül) de les 92 sol·licituds rebudes, els artistes preseleccionats són:Adolfo Conesa, Ariadna Parreu, Jasmina Llobet, Jesús Palomino, Sergio Roger.Residència de 3 mesos del 15 setembre al 15 desembre de 2010.     *La última setmana de juny es comunicarà el/la finalista de la beca  Beca Hangar-Glogauer (Berlín) de les 138 sol·licituds rebudes, els artistes preseleccionats són:Belén Rodríguez González, [...]

  • A course on RAW – June 2-6

    An intensive course on files saved in the RAW format, as well on as the processing and conversion of RAW files. Adobe Camera tools will be explained and practical exercises used as a way of showing what should be taken into account when photographs are stored in this format. This course is geared towards people who already have basic skills [...]

  • Presentation of candidates for Hangar’s Programme Committee (2010-2012)

    This June, Hangar’s current Programme Committee is ending its two-year work period. The Programme Committee is an independent jury that takes artistically-related decisions, such as who is allocated one of Hangar’s studios, who is the finalist for an exchange grant abroad, etc., as well as monitoring the resident artists’ work on a half-yearly basis. It also plays and an advisory [...]


    The Hangar Programme Committee convened on May 18 2010 and shortlisted the following artists: -Ana Lezeta, Ariadna Parreu, Belén Rodríguez, José Jorge Nava, Julieta Dentone, Lola Lasurt, Natalia Ibáñez, from a total of 106 applications, for the Hangar-CIA grant in Buenos Aires; a three-month residency from September 15 to December 15.The final result will be announced in the first week [...]

  • LED and its applications

    28th of May at 18:30h. Open conference on LED, its features, components, the particular way it generates light and how it chromatically reproduces it, heat generation and its utility. The optics needed for converting this technology into a light source will be looked at and the first experiments in terms of applying LEDS to architecture will be examined. We will [...]


    PLEASE TAKE NOTE! WORKSHOP POSTPONEDDuring the seminar a programme enabling us to experiment with content-based analysis and with the recomposition of sound segments stored in a data base will be introduced. We will also closely examine techniques and concepts such as extraction of musical characteristics, concatenative synthesis and audio mosaicing.  Given by Stefan Kersten and Wernfried Lackner.

  • Hangar’s artists are opening their studios this weekend

    On May 15 & 16 Hangar is opening its studios to present the KinderHangar programme: 3 workshops for children and teenagers given by resident artists Lola Lasurt, Rita Rodríguez and Jordi Ferreiro. The KinderHangar programme coincides with Linguafesta organized by Linguamón.


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