Tag Archives: archive

(Català) Taller “grau d’assistent d’artista professional”


Enric Farrés i Quim Packard, en el marc de la seva residència a Hangar impartiràn durant el mes de novembre un taller d’assistent d’artista professional.

Published on: 08. September 2011 by Hangar
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(Català) Nous cursos de Formació Continua per a Artistes Visuals


Ja està oberta la matrícula per al curs "Fes la teva Web. Autoedició de webs per a
" impartit per Gerald Kogler dintre del programa de la AAVC
Bretxa Digital i per als dos nous cursos de "Il·luminació en el vídeo digital"
impartits per Pol Gonzàlez.

Published on: 07. September 2011 by Hangar
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(Català) Robatori i apropiació com a diàlegs de l’espectador amb l’obra d’art


Dimecres 7 de setembre, 19:30h a l ‘Espai Cultural Caja Madrid a Barcelona. ACTIVITAT GRATUÏTA

Published on: 06. September 2011 by Hangar
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(Català) Noves dates de Befaco en Hangar



Els dies 10 i 11 de setembre Befaco inauguren la nova temporada de tallers a Hangar amb Fase II. En aquesta imatge podeu veure el sintetitzador complert Befaco que ha construit en Diego Garcia.

Fase II és un cicle obert de tallers de construccioó de sintetitzadors modulars en el qual els assistents construeixen instruments musicals electrònics segons les seves necessitats.Donada la naturalesa modular de l’aparell el cicle també ho és i cadascun pot apuntar-se als tallers que desitgi en els quals es pot triar entre qualsevol dels mòdul disponibles.



Published on: 05. September 2011 by Hangar
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Juegos Reunidos en Sant Andreu Contemporani

Viernes 9 de septiembre a las 19’30 inauguración de Juegos Reunidos en el Centre Cívic Sant Andreu.

Con la participación, entre otros, de los artistas residentes Antoni Hervàs, Rita Rodríguez, Mireia Salagrigues i Mariana Zamarbide.

Esta exposición reúne trabajos recientes de los artistas que han pasado a lo largo del año por la Factoría de Santo Andreu, el programa educativo del Centro Cívico Santo Andreu. Una programación que se dirige de forma paralela a los niños y niñas y al público especializado en arte contemporáneo. Os adjuntamos el programa cumplido con las actividades.



Published on: 05. September 2011 by Hangar
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(Català) Tamara Kuselman inaugura “Un Futur Cert”

(Català) Dissabte 3 de setembre 2011 a les 19’00

EspaiDos – Plaça Didó, 3. Terrassa
Un futur cert de Tamara Kuselman (Buenos Aires, 1980), artista resident a Hangar, és la quarta exposició del cicle anual La Lección excéntrica. La proposta s’articula en el marc d’altres treballs que Tamara realitza sobre nocions com a confiança, futurabilitat, incertesa i esforç.

Published on: 01. September 2011 by Hangar
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Telenoika 2011 Production and research Grants

Cultural Association announces the production and research Grants for
projects in the field of audiovisual experimentation.  Projects that
contribute with novelties and improvements for the benefit of artists
and audiovisual researchers in general will be specially valued.

1. Terms of the grants
will be able to present their documentation until 17th October,
2011.  Resolution will be published last week of October 2011.

2. Endowment of the grants
grants are gifted with 4.000 €, that will be delivered to a minimum
of one and a maximum of two projects among those presented (as the
criterion of the jury, which will establish the different aportations
for each rewarded project ). The grants will be payed 80% at the moment
of the resolution of grants and delivery of the corresponding bill,
and the remaining 20% after the  public presentation.

3. Candidates
as individuals or collective can opt to this grants, also foreigners
residents in Spain or with Spanish nationality that present a proposal
of unpublished creation, in accordance with this bases.

4. Documentation
Candidates will have to send the following documentation to the Telenoika headquarters (Sant Pau 58, 08001, Barcelona) :
a) personal Data and curriculum.
b) Project, featuring aims, theoretical and technical overview, calendar, approximative realisation cost, and funding plan.
Additional documentation that applicants believe convenient to
include in order to facilitate the understanding of the project:
graphic dossier of recent work, bibliography…
d) Applicants will have to present a copy of the project in paper and another in digital format.

5. Public presentation
realised the project it will be necessary to do a public
presentation, place and date to determine (roughly October 2012).

6. The jury
jury will be integrated by the following people: -Santi Vilanova
(multimedia creative) – Omar Àlvarez (visual creative) – Sergi Casero
(audio creative) – Eduard Llorens (Telenoika’s coordination)

7. Rights of the work
the rights of the work are reserved for his authors. The authors will
yield the rights of reproduction of generated works to Telenoika for
the diffusion and documentation of the aids and/or the activities of
the association. Use of free licenses allowing the free diffusion of
the work through internetwill be valued positively. All publication of
resultant works, both by public or private means, printed matters,
audiovisual or digital will have to feature Telenoika as a coproducer
of the project.

These grants have been possible thanks to the collaboration of CoNCA and the Culture Dep. of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

+INFO:: info@telenoika.net 

Resolución ayudas Telenoika 2010:: http://telenoika.net/ajuts2010

Published on: 01. September 2011 by Hangar
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“The Particle”, by Alex Posada, at Ars Electronica Festival 2011

“The Particle”, by Alex Posada will be exhibited at the Festival Ars Electronica 2011. This international event about art and new media, which has been taking place since 1979 in Linz (Austria) is amongst the most important and prestigious of the world.“The Particle” is a kinetic sculpture developed by MID, with Hangar.org and Strobe Festival ‘s support, and which experiments with colour, sound and movement. It ways around 150 kg, and is made up of several rings of colour made with multicolour LEDs that spin when there is an audible sound. The luminous shape emerges from the limited movements of each of the 4 rings when there are modifications in the external conditions (the viewers), or when a random mutation appears.

+info: Alex Posada on the Ars Electronica blog

Published on: 30. August 2011 by Hangar
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MAL workshop beta-testers mode, call remains open

The open call to participate as Beta-tester on the first edition of the MAL (Mobile Art Lab) remains open, more information 

The participants projects are:

Published on: 30. August 2011 by Hangar
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MAL workshop beta-testers mode, call remains open


Open call to participate as Beta-tester on the first edition of the MAL (Mobile Art Lab) remains open, more information 

The participants projects are:

Published on: 30. August 2011 by Hangar
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(Català) Continua oberta la convocatòria per a la modalitat “Beta-testers” per el Taller del MAL


La convocatòria per a participar en la modalitat Beta-testers en la primera edició del Taller del M.A.L continua oberta,més informació  

Els projectes participants (Mobile Art LAb) son:

Published on: 30. August 2011 by Hangar
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From Monday 8/15 to Friday 8/19 Hangar is closed for vacation. We will return on Monday August 22. Have a nice vacation!

NOTE: Interactive, video and production will remain closed until Monday29 August. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Published on: 12. August 2011 by Hangar
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After the meeting held on August 8th, the jury agreed to select the following projects: 
blablabLAB collective, Ruta Anarquista from Turismo Táctico collective, and Typewriter of Google Maps of Marc Antoni Malagarriga i Picas. 
The workshop will take place in Hangar, a Production and Research Centre for Visual Arts located in the Poblenou quater (Barcelona) from October 17th to October 21 of 2011. Hours to be decided.

Published on: 09. August 2011 by Hangar
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Hangar collaborates with the IAAC Global Summer School – 2011

Hangar Interactive Lab d’Hangar participates in the Global Summer School de l’Institut d’Arquitectura Avançada de Catalunya, within the framework of a cooperation agreement recently signed between the two projects.

Published on: 02. August 2011 by Hangar
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(Català) Les laboratoires art&science: vers une nouvelle forme de création

(Català) Alla Chernetska acaba de publicar un article on-line sobre noves formes de creació en l’intersecció entre l’art i la ciència, explica, entre altres inicIatives, els labs d’Hangar, Medialab Prado i el projecte Grid-Spinoza.

Published on: 29. July 2011 by Hangar
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