“La Finestra Indiscreta” de Ciprian Homorodean al Loop festival


Participación en Festival LOOP Barcelona 2016 con «LA VENTANA INDISCRETA» Screening (La Ventana Indiscreta).

#‎EspaiColona‬ ‪#‎Loop2016‬
Proyecciones de películas en espacios doméstics de Barcelona

participan los artistas: María Alcaide, Juan David Galindo, Francisco Navarrete Silo, Miquel García, Daniel Gassol, Natalia Gima, Ciprian Homorodean, Albert Lozano, Rubén Oliva & Xavi Rodríguez. Comisarios / Curators «LA VENTANA INDISCRETA»: Andrés Vial & Miguel Ayesa.

«La Finestra Indiscreta» (Rear Window) is a delocalised
project that involves a series of screenings in public areas throughout the centre of Barcelona. It is remarkable insofar as the videos will be projected from the windows of several privately-owners houses onto the neighbouring façades so that they will be viewed both by other neighbours, from their own homes, and by occasional passersby. The inclusion of streets and urban locations that do not usually function as hosts for audiovisual projects is the core of this event, and it implies how contemporary art should return to everyday life. The works have been selected through an open call for lm projects that are clearly linked to the neighbourhoods and their inhabitants.
Participating neighbourhoods: Born, Barri Gòtic, and Raval

Data: 26.05 – 10.06

Horaris i Llocs: 

28/05 · 22:00h • c/ Sant Pere Més Alt, 43 (Borne) / Natalia Gima / Albert Lozano
29/05 · 22:00h • c/ Sant Pau, 19 (Raval) / Xavi Rodríguez / Francisco Navarrete
30/05 · 22:00h • c/ Milans, 3 (Gòtic) / Rubén Oliva / Ciprian Homorodean / Miquel García
31/05 · 22:00h  • c/ Brosoli, 7 (Borne) / María Alcaide / Daniel Gasol / Juan David Galindo





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