Ryan Rivadeneyra
Ryan Rivadeneyra, Miami (United States) 1984
Residency period: 2012 – 2013
Ryan Rivadeneyra’s investigative process involves both aestheticizing and politicizing his personal experiences and his relationship with his surroundings, raising questions that concern cultural identity and basic human interactions, among other things. In his work, he creates narratives that fluctuate between fictional and historical anecdotes, and a striving for a complete, honest, visceral connection with the viewer. Formally, his work tends to evolve into performative lectures, photographs, texts, installations, spoken-word events, or slideshows.
Recent exhibitions include The Second Act at De Brakke Grond in Amsterdam, Sugary Photographs with Trick, Poses, and Effects at the Fotomuseum and Novylon Art Space in Antwerp, Qualsevol Similitud es Pura Coincidencia at the Sala d’Art Jove in Barcelona, and Jesters/Gestures at RHoK Platform in Brussels.