Núria Canal
Burgos, 1965
Period of residence: June 2007 – June 2009
After graduating in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona, Núria Canal becomes a member of the association La 12 Visual in 1992, and from 1993 she co-corganizes the Mostra de Vídeo Independent in Barcelona. This show would end up being called OVNI, and Canal would be the co-director of it along with Joan Leandre and Toni Serra until 2000.
Meanwhile, and since the beginning of the 1990s, she has been developing an extensive body of video works, including titles like The house of love (1992), Basic Kit (1994), Muchas veces mucho (1993-1998), Casting (2003), Cantus (2005) or Daydream. Soñar despierto (2008).