Eduard Ruiz
Summer Sessions Residency
July - September 2021
Eduard Ruiz. Sant Boi del Llobregat, 1990.
He lives and works in Barcelona.
Seeking to establish a bridge between space and policies that condition human behavior, Eduard’s practice practice investigates the relationships between territory and those forms that define it, maps, landscapes that appear on the banknotes, passports, and parts found in it as forgotten objects and hidden vegetation species.
A feature of Eduardo’s works is the use of materials considered trivial, which eliminates their conventional meaning and ensures that what was intended for a specific use can be considered an autonomous work.
He has obatained a Degree in Fine Arts and a Master’s Degree in Art Production and Research at the University of Barcelona and he has been an artist-in-residency at V2_for the Unstable Media in Rotterdam (Netherlands), Cal Gras (Avinyó), Fabra and Coats (Barcelona) and Nauestruch(Sabadell), Castells Art Center (Sant Boi de Llobregat) and Cultural Center of Spain Juan de Salazar in Asunción(Paraguay). He has been a finalist in the Miquel Casablancas Award 2018 and selected by the XXI Biennial of Contemporary Catalan Art 2018, he received the scholarship of the Sala d’Art Jove in the modality of Creation 2015 and the Can Felipa Visual Arts Scholarship 2015.
He has presented his work in centers and galleries such as Kuntsbogen in Wien, Austria (Social lubricant & water politics 2021), V2_for the Unstable Media (Summer Sessions 2021), Valentin Madariaga Foundation, Seville 2020, CityArt (Osmosi.Il rapporto uomo natura,Milano, 2019), Museu de Pollença (52ºPrize Biennal Art of Pollença, Mallorca, 2019), Galería Halfhouse-LaVerneda (Crossfiredreboundings, 2018), Art Center Maristany (XXI Biennial of Contemporary Catalan Art 2018), Galería Àcid Sulfúric, Barcelona (Europolis, 2018); Fabra and Coats Contemporary Art Center, Barcelona (Not the one that appears, 2018); Can Castells Art Center (Human Heritage and Public Heritage, 2017); Sala d’Art Jove, Barcelona (Techno Blood, 2017); Civic Center Sant Andreu, Barcelona (Borde Effect, 2017); Can Felipa Civic Center, Barcelona (Aparteu les cadires, 2015) or inside the Campanari de Sant Fèlix (Sabadell, 2015).