Kenneth Dow
Exchange grant Baden Württemberg - Catalunya
october - november 2018
Kenneth Dow. Ellwangen, 1992
In his projects, Kenneth Dow navigates through a fictionalized world, heavily inspired by his own biography and present surroundings. His artistic work is concerned with strategies to make the absent, absentees, the invisible perceived, absent as in no longer present, invisible as in interiority.
Subjective states are made palpable through choice, combination and recursion of procedures, together forming a representation apparatus. The representation machine set in motion then conceives the work of art, as seen on display.
Kenneth Dow has studied in Milan, Hamburg and Shanghai and holds a MFA from Stuttgart Academy of Fine Art. In 2015, he was admitted to the German Academic Study Fund. He has participated in numerous institutional group shows, theatre and film Festivals.
Instagram: @p0ppersss0mmelier