I Will Find a Place for You: Manferri in Life. A concert by Francisco Manuel Ferrús directed by Mireia c. Saladrigues.

Manferri en viu2014
Friday the 7th of February at 20:00pm.
Antoni Tàpies Foundation.
Approximate duration of one hour.
Free entrance.Within the project I Will find a place for you, the artist Mireia c. Saladrigues works with Francisco Manuel Ferrús, one security guard at Antoni Tàpies Foundation. He is known as Manferri, when singing Juan Bau and Nino Bravo songs.The intention of the project is to make visible the double condition of Francisco Manuel Ferrús / Manferri within Antoni Tàpies Foundation. Manolo rehearses in the auditorium and sings during his rounds. Meanwhile he has been generously encouraged by his workmates for cultivating his musical interests and developing other related activities. What could had been a subaltern story, becomes here a common place of overlapping between blurred cultural layers and collaborations that, as porosities, occur in some moments. Moments that can be seem spontaneous but that question our place.

The concert Manferri in Life is the result of the several rehearses that happened in the rooms -2 within FACTOTUM exhibition. These occurred when Francisco Manuel Ferrús /Manferri and Mireia c. Saladrigues both coincided respectively, as a security guard and as an invigilator.


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