Anja Steidinger
Anja Steidinger, Berlin 1972
Period of residency: 2009
Anja Steidinger is a visual artist, researcher and cultural producer that lives and works between Catalunya (Spain) and Hamburg (Germany). She works with selfrepresentation, audiovisual production, communication, crisis, precarity and critique. She formed in Fine Arts at HfBK Hamburg. She is member of the Enmedio Collective in Barcelona and she has been part of research groups at University of Barcelona.
Projects that have been exhibited on exhibitions and festivals: Biennale de Havanna (Cuba, 2006), Stile der Stadt, Video in public space (Hamburg, Deutschland, 2006), Artivistic’07, Un- occupied spaces (Montreal, Canada, 2007), No time to lose, Visual Art Centre Peacock (Aberdeen, Schottland, 2008), i-dissabtes CXF, Caixa Forum (Barcelona, Spanien, 2008), Working Documents, Espai 4, Centre of Image, Palau de la Virreina (Barcelona, Spanien, 2008), Loop’09 (Barcelona, Spanien, 2009), Hangar Obert (Barcelona, Spanien, 2009, Bildwechsel (Hamburg, Deutschland, 2011), Science of the city (Barcelona, Spanien 2012), Seoul Art Space Geumcheon (Südkorea, 2012), MetaMètode. Diàlegs entre art i ciència, Exposició del grup de recerca Imarte a la
Sala d’exposicions del Centre cultural El Carme, Badalona, 2014, and others.