Juan López
Juan López, Cantabria (Spain) 1979
Period of residency: 2005
In the context of the investigations I once took up on the way the experience of “inhabiting” defines our perception of space and time, my work addresses architectural elements associated to power structures in order to search for new means to understand social relations.
Through the use of metaphor and by means of specific interventions in given spaces, my intention is to break and then restore the three elements my work is comprised of: the city, subjectivity and power.
The idea of “break” is essential in my practice. It allows me to link the objectivity of outter space to individual perception. In many cases, this transition occurs through language, which is systematically subverted and reassembled to produce new meanings. This idea is echoed in the collages, a practice that emphazises the complex and ambiguous bridge between text and image. Within this fractures lies the tension between the private and the public and the reassesment of social space.
Graduated in Fine Arts. UCLM, Cuenca. Spain
His work has been exhibited in galleries, art centers, fairs and national and international museums, most notably: La Casa Encendida, Madrid; La Fábrica Gallery, Madrid; Nogueras Blanchard Gallery, Barcelona; MARCO Vigo, Galicia; MUSAC, León; Laboral Art Center, Gijón; Joan Miró Fundation, Barcelona; Artium, Vitoria; Liste Art Fair, Basel; O.K. Centrum Linz, Austria; National Museum Of the Republic. Brasilia; Tokyo Wonder Site, Japan. South Florida Art Center; Art Positions, Basel Miami; DEN FRIE, Copenhague or FRAC Corte, France.
And deserving of many awards and scholarships as Hegnspl-Award Byens Hegn Copenhaguen, Region 0 Video Art Festival New York, Generations 2013 Art Prize, CAM Grant of Art, ABC Art Award, Arts Award Altadis, Marcelino Botin Foundation Grant, Government of Cantabria Prize or INJUVE Art Show.