Presentation of “La cultura no es una autopista, los museos podrían ser jardines”

On 1st March Hangar will celebrate the presentation of the book LA CULTURA NO ES UNA AUTOPISTA, LOS MUSEOS PODRÍAN SER JARDINES. Toma de decisiones y distribución de recursos en el ámbito de la producción artística y cultural, edited by Lucía Egaña Rojas and Giuliana Racco.

This book examines institutional structures, particularly those related to decision-making and the distribution of resources in the field of cultural and artistic production. Egaña and Racco examine the different axes of discrimination based on origin, race, gender, sexual orientation and disability, and seek to develop tools and proposals to contribute to equitable access to resources for cultural and artistic production, as well as to diversify the cultural programmes created. At the same time, they have sought mechanisms to ensure the inclusion of artists and cultural workers who ‘represent diversity’ not only externally, but also internally, in the highest places of power and decision-making in the cultural sector.

The book will be presented by its editors, Lucía Egaña Rojas and Giuliana Racco, together with Tatiana Antoni Conesa (Irreparables) and Violeta Mayoral (PAAC).

Accessibility of the room
The room is located on the ground floor of the Hangar workshop building. It has two entrances. One is through the workshop door, which has a step at the entrance where a ramp will be installed. The other is through the Polivalente room, which has a ramp to overcome the step. The room is spacious and has natural light. Artificial light is supplied by zenithal fluorescent lamps with warm light. The room is amplified and soundproofed with direct connection of microphones and loudspeakers.

The toilet is on the same floor and is not accessible to all wheelchair users. Alternatively, the toilet in the Ricson Room or the Office Room can be used. There is a filtered water dispenser in the room.

Accessibility of the event
Non-professional subtitles will be projected live during the presentation. Texts read during the event will be printed for individual reading. A visual description of the room, its configuration and its use will be given at the beginning of the activity and each speaker will be asked to describe themselves before speaking.

Practical information
Day: Friday, 1 March
Time: 6 p.m.
Place: Antigues oficines, Hangar
Free admission

Technical information
LA CULTURA NO ES UNA AUTOPISTA, LOS MUSEOS PODRÍAN SER JARDINES. Toma de decisiones y distribución de recursos en el ámbito de la producción artística y cultural
Edited by Lucía Egaña Rojas and Giuliana Racco
With contributions by Silvia Albert Sopale, Paula Bruna, Natalia Carminati, Lucía Egaña Rojas, Sally Fenaux Barleycorn, Francisco Godoy Vega, Tjasa Kancler, Elektra KB, Rosa Lendínez, Tau Luna Acosta, Rafaela Pimentel, iki yos piña narváez funes, Giuliana Racco, Helena Vinent and people who chose to remain anonymous.

Cover image: “The Conference of the Birds”, Persia, 1st century.
Proofreading and editing: Eduardo Carrera
Cover and interior design: Camila González S. – ilacami
ISBN 978-84-128020-2-3
Barcelona, January 2024

This project has been supported by Arts Santa Mònica and the Plataforma Assembleària d’Artistes de Catalunya (PAAC).

Categories: Agenda Hangar | Tags:

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