Jocelyn Moisson

Jiser-Fohn Recordare Residency

April - May 2024

Jocelyn Moisson. Tours (France), 1988

Jocelyn Moisson is an independent writer, curator and theology student. He lives and works in Poitiers (Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France). His recent publications include: Generator 2014 – 2020 (Les Presses du Réel, 2022); Chris Korda, The (Wo)man of the Future, a retrospective (Le Confort Moderne, 2022).

After participating as a curator in the third edition of the Generator programme (2017), initiated by 40mcube (Rennes), he joined the Confort Moderne (Poitiers) and helped it obtain the CACIN label, Centre d’art d’intérêt national (2022), by carrying out an inclusive public reception project. At the same time, he is entrusted with his editorial activity and supervises several publishing projects, where his micro-publishing work aims at horizontally initiating new practices between artists, authors, curators and the public.

His recent research has focused on writing history outside of linear time and its productivist imperatives. By transforming his way of approaching the question of time and welcoming other conceptions — liturgical, poetic or seasonal, for example — he initiates new stories of figures who have been excluded. He is currently working on the anti-modernist contribution in the work of Barbra Streisand through the observation of an à rebourd concept of time.

Jocelyn Moisson is a graduate of the François Rabelais University of Tours and the Bordeaux School of Fine Arts. He is currently training in theology and religious studies at the Poitiers Theological Centre and the Catholic University of the West (Angers).

He is currently participating at the first edition of the Recordare residency, Curatorial Writing Residencies crossed between France and Spain, born from the met of two associations: Föhn based in Nouvelle-Aquitaine (France) and Jiser (Barcelona, Tunis and Algiers). The residency offers 6 weeks in Lormont to a Spanish curator (Irma Estrada) and 6 weeks in Barcelona to a Nouvelle-Aquitaine curator (Jocelyn Moisson). Both have a practice of critical writing.


Image: Color Me Barbra, TV Show, Broadcast on CBS March 30, 1966 (screenshots)

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