Production grants 2024

Hangar, open centre for artistic research and production in Barcelona, has launched a call for two production grants that will provide the budget, space and technical conditions to produce a work and contribute to its dissemination. One of the two grants in this call is reserved for Hangar’s resident artists.

About the tools for production in Hangar

From the production lab, Hangar specialises in the integral production of projects of any creative nature. It carries out all the stages of a project’s production: from the realization of feasibility reports, development and budget control, to the construction, assembly and detailed maintenance of productions, including experimental research on materials.

Hangar is equipped with tools, technology, audio-visual material and premises. It has a 10 m2 editing room with acoustic and climatic control, equipped for video and audio editing and post-production.


1. Objectives

– To support artists in their research and/or production activities, their experimental work and the development and completion of their projects.
– To advise artists on production issues: production planning, budget preparation and management, or research into materials and construction processes.
– To promote the documentation, publication, dissemination, transfer and exchange of knowledge on production structures in the field of creation.

2. Benefits and financial endowment of the grant

Each grant is endowed with €7000 gross for the development of the chosen project, of which a minimum of 15% (€1,050.00) and a maximum of 30% (€2,100.00) will be allocated to fees.

Hangar will provide the recipient with:

– Technical support for the development and production of the project. Grantees will have access to a package of consultancy hours for feasibility studies, production design, technical advice or administrative support.
– Hangar has different spaces that can be used according to availability, with a maximum of six uses during the development of the grant.
– The reduced price per artist will be applied to the tasks entrusted to Hangar’s technical team, the additional use of space or audiovisual material not included in the previous sections.
– Hangar will put at the disposal of the recipients the contacts of its network of collaborators: suppliers, technicians, techno-scientific research centres or other artistic and cultural institutions that may be needed.
– Hangar will support the dissemination and public presentation of the project.
– These grants do not cover travel costs from the place of residence to the centre, nor accommodation or living expenses.
– The use of the studios is not included in the grant.

3. To whom it is addressed

– This call is open to all individual and collective artists and creators working in the field of contemporary creation. In the case of collectives, there must be a person responsible for the project.
– The production grants are aimed at artists with original and unpublished projects, with particular emphasis on the soundness of the project and its adaptation to the budget and schedule proposed in the dossier submitted in the call for proposals.
– The grants are aimed at artists who meet at least one of the following conditions:
• The subject of the proposal must be related to the city of Barcelona or its metropolitan area.
• The candidate or entity must be resident in the city of Barcelona or its metropolitan area.
• That the candidate or entity is linked to the cultural fabric of Barcelona or its metropolitan area and that this is clear from the content of the documentation submitted.

4. Lenght

The duration of the two grants is three consecutive months, to be carried out between January 1 and June 30, 2025.

5. Conditions of participation

– Each artist may apply with only one project, which must be original.
– These grants are compatible with other awards and subsidies, in the form of co-production.
– The project must be carried out within a maximum period of three consecutive months and must be completed by 30 June 2025.
– The expenses subsidised by the grant must be incurred within the three months following the execution of the project.

6. Responsibilities of the selected project with Hangar

– The use of the premises and technical equipment will be subject to the terms and conditions set out in the loan forms to be signed for each use.
– There will be a public presentation of the project, which may take place in Hangar or in another mutually agreed space, depending on possible co-productions or collaborations.
– The Hangar logo, as producer or co-producer, will be included in the credits and in all types of communication and dissemination materials for future exhibitions. In the event that it is not possible to include the logo, the project will be disseminated and presented with the following text “Project produced with the support of the Production Grant 2023. Centre for Artistic Production and Research”.
– The artist cedes to Hangar the public communication rights for any country in the world, for dissemination and communication (publications, press dossier, Centre’s website, social networks, etc.).

7. Submission of applications

To apply for this call, please send an email to esther(at) with the subject line “Hangar 2024 Production Grant.” A PDF dossier must be attached including the following information:

– Personal data (Full name, date and place of birth, ID or passport photo, e-mail, telephone contact).
– Curriculum Vitae (1,500 characters maximum, spaces included).
– Conceptual proposal (up to 2,000 characters, including spaces).
– Detailed description of the project (up to 2,000 characters, including spaces).
– Justification of the relevance of the project. Information on the progress that the project contributes to the applicant’s body of work (up to 2,000 characters, including spaces).
– Work plan, specifying the expected results, the final format and an implementation schedule, within a maximum duration of three months, including the forecast of expenses related to the implementation of the project. It shall include the three months chosen for the realization of the project (up to 2,000 characters, including spaces).
– Technical requirements and spaces to be covered by Hangar (up to 1,500 characters, including spaces).
– A detailed budget that includes a forecast of the costs of fees, materials, technical staff and the rental of spaces and equipment (both inside and outside the Hangar). Adequate justification must be given for the need and value of the expenses budgeted, taking into account their nature and the work plan.
– Selection of 10 images of previous projects produced.

– Applications that do not contain the required information and/or exceed the length limit will not be accepted.
– The content of the applications may be submitted in Catalan, Spanish or English.

8. Submission and timetable

– Deadline for submission of applications:  December 1st, 2024 at 12 p.m. (GMT +1).
– Results of the selection process: Before December 31, 2024
– Residency period: three consecutive months, starting and ending before June 2025, to be agreed with Hangar.

9. Selection Committee

Made up of experts and the Hangar Production Lab team, it will be made public in the next few days.
The selection committee may contact the pre-selected candidates for an interview.

10. Evaluation criteria

The jury will evaluate the projects on the basis of the information submitted:
– Presentation of all the documents and materials required by the call, in the format and length requested.
– The quality of the conceptual proposal and the description of the project.
– The relevance and coherence of the project in the context of the artist’s career.
– The concreteness of the work plan and the technical and economic viability of the proposal.

11. Privacy policy

– In accordance with data protection regulations, we inform you that personal data must be processed by Hangar in order to manage participation in this call. Due to legal obligations, the data will not be disclosed to third parties. You have the right to access, rectify and cancel the data provided, as well as to exercise the other rights established in the applicable data protection legislation.
– The submission of projects under this call for proposals implies the presumption of authorship and any claims that may arise are the responsibility of the person submitting the project.

12. Acceptance of the rules and the decision of the jury

– Participation in this call for proposals implies acceptance of its rules and of the jury’s decision, as well as of any subsequent changes that may occur as a result of factors beyond Hangar’s control.

For further information
Esther Doblas
Tel.: +34 308 40 413

Categories: Open Calls |

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