Visions of Displacement
On 18th February at 7 pm the curatorial collective CampoBase presents Visions of Displacement, an event related to the moving image, proposing a series of projections of video works. The works of the selected artists build a story with several voices, investigating the theme of displacement from different perspectives. The meeting is an opportunity to open Hangar’s space to a moment of informal dialogue and exchange, starting a shared path that will lead to the realization of the House of Displacement Barcelona festival (27 — 29 March 2020).
Linked to the dysfunctions of advanced capitalist societies, the word displacement refers both to material phenomena such as tourist and migratory flows and the associated phenomena of gentrification, as well as to psychological and social aspects of estrangement from everyday reality. Each aspect of contemporary life, in fact — society, science, technology and nature itself — is increasingly defined by movement and human mobility. This has profound repercussions on our way of being in the world that develops through non-linear and precarious trajectories from an emotional, economic, gender, as well as geographic point of view. How can we orient ourselves in a context of continuous mobility and change?
The videos that will be screened are:
La estética de un mapa inmobiliario (2017), Núria Güell and Levi Orta
I Dream the Mountain Is Still a Whole (2017), Shadi Harouni
Was it me? Screen memories (2018), Luca Staccioli
32.min.RELAX (How to Build an Archipelago).2 (2015), Natalia Trejbalova
From Settlement to Nomadism (2015-2016), Enrico Boccioletti
The sum of the artists’ voices holds together heterogeneous elements whose synthesis does not take the form of a completed speech, but rather the one of constant research. Shared by the desire to reflect, in some cases to redefine our presence in the displaced spaces of contemporary life, the artists do not attempt to overturn the current state of things, but rather suggest positions, techniques and tools to inhabit it again.
Here more info about the videos.
The activity is free.
The event will take place in Hangar’s Ricson Hall.
With the support of:
Categories: Research and transfer of knowledges activities |