New Summer Program of Continuous Training Courses for Visual Artists

This is the fourth program of the year of intensive courses from the Continuous Training for Visual Artists 2010.



An introduction to the cultural field: management, organisational models and contexts

This course is directed towards the understanding of how the artistic and cultural fields operate by detecting agents, institutions, companies and sectors linked to art production, and to bringing into context projects from professional and social fields. The sessions are taught from a critical point of view in order to provide those attending the course with tools for reflection and experimentation.
7 sessions, 3 hours each
Taught by: YProductions
Date: 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14 y15 de julio
Time: from 17:00 to 20:00
Place: Hangar. Passatge del Marquès de Santa Isabel, 40. Can Ricart, Barcelona
Fee: 80€, 40€ for members of the AAVC

Digital Photography for Artistic Processes

This course aims to reinforce the professional practice of artists who integrate digital photography in their working or communication processes, and to give a solid base that will allow for subsequent self-teaching. The course will concentrate on the particularities of digital cameras, and the basics of shooting, developing and touching up photographs, using Adobe Photoshop CS4.
Basic knowledge of digital photography, MAC OSX operative system and Photoshop is recommended.
7 sessions, 3 hours each
Taught by: Daniel Caño (Hautatelier)
Dates: July 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27 and 28.
Place: Hangar. Passatge del Marquès de Santa Isabel, 40. Can Ricart, Barcelona
Fee: 80€, 40€ for members of the AAVC

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