This exhibitibion is the first solo show by Mireia c. Saladrigues (Terrassa, 1978) at the gallery [...]
Activities of the residents
“Be your own Souvenir” takes part in CulturTech (Ireland) and in the 7th Seoul Media Art Biennale
The project “Be your own Souvenir” from blablabLAB has been selected to take part in in two international events: the [...]
Activities of the residents
Exibithion in la Capella, Rasmus Nilausen: Sisyphus, Rhopography and a Headless Chicken
The exhibition presented by Nilausen in La Capella, “Sisyphus, [...]
Es bastante bueno que la gente de la nacion no entienda nuastro sistema bancario y monetario, porque si lo hicieran, [...]
IDENSITAT, in collaboration with HANGAR and the Equadorean Association of Equavolley in Catalonia organises a workshop for building and programming [...]
Del 1 Juny al 20 de Juliol el Rasmus Nilausen exposa a la galería Sturm de [...]