Claudia Pagès Rabal
Claudia Pagès Rabal, Barcelona, 1990
Period of residence: Short period: January – March 2014
Long period: April – September 2014
The main focus of Claudia Pagès‘s investigation is the construction of organizational form and how they affect to social interactions and human relations. Her work temps to analyze the cultural capital, the popular collectives and their representation with the aim to explore topics as hierarchies, power relations, feelings of belonging, economies of the body and desire. For this she draw relations with other areas of knowledge as popular music, group choreographies or social net working’ systems. Her Work sometimes consists in creating events as a performatic strategy that needs the participation of a public, installations as approaches to collective spaces, tutorial videos or music to be sung or danced. She hold a bachelor in Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona and have been an exchange student at Aalto University, School of Arts , Design and Architecture , Helsinki. FI. She have shown her work individually in Tanssipaikka (Lume Media Gallery. Helsinki, Finland), and have participated internationally in group exhibitions as ¿Qué hay de nuevo, viejo? (Can Felipa. Barcelona, ES), Taking Time(curated by Nora Sternfeld. Galleria Augusta. Helsinki, FI), Pumping for art (Suomen Urheilumuseo. Helsinki, FI). She have been resident in NauEstruch (Sabadell. ES) and selected in scholarships as RMIT University Grants for Projects (Melbourne. AUS) or Sala d’Art Jove 2014 (Barcelona. ES).