Mario Santamaría presents “Telephone Conversations” in the frame of TOP
19, 20, 21. Nau 1, Aula. 20.00 a 22.00h
Telephone Conversations Installation
Early 2012 the Company TREND net recognized a fail in some of their SecurView Cameras. Because of this vulnerability any internet user could have had acces to those cameras in real time. The company apologised for the mistake and included a software update on their website, with the aim of fixing the fault. Many users who installed these systems still have not updated their software, therefore access to images from their webcam still remains possible over the internet. Telephone Convesations is a action where we will screen what the TREND net vulnerable cameras are showing in real time. Beside the screening, spectarors will find the telephone number associated to the cameras IP address.
Categories: Activities of the residents, News | Tags: activitats dels artistes residents, Clara Piazuelo