Rosa Llop, Entrepensar

Three educational centres took part in the 2021-2023 edition: the Escola Josep Maria de Sagarra, the Institut Escola Eixample and the Institut Escola ARTS, selected through a public call, within the framework of the CUP (Unified Call for Programmes), which is organised annually by the Education Consortium.

The artists Rosa Llop, Regina Giménez and Neus Frigola were proposed by each of the mediation teams of Hangar, the Fundació Antoni Tàpies and the Fundació Suñol respectively, which accompany the development of each espai c.

In the case of Rosa Llop, Hangar made an internal call among the resident artists, specifically aimed at participating for the first time in espais c. It then involved the educational team of the Escola Sagarra in the selection of the resident artist.

Rosa Llop’s proposal for espai c at Escola Sagarra consisted of the research project Entrepensar. Entrepensar is a generative research methodology used to mediate collective processes, which applies non-discursive languages as a tool to explore, understand and question reality collectively.

Rosa Llop is a designer, teacher and writer. Her research has focused on graphic language, interface criticism and creative methodology. With more than 20 years of professional experience in editorial design and the dissemination of cultural activities, she has also written and curated content for magazines, books and exhibitions on design criticism for cultural institutions such as the FAD, the CCCB, the ICUB and the Diputació de Barcelona, among others. She has participated in national and international research projects. She has also worked as a lecturer and director of postgraduate programmes at universities such as ELISAVA, BAU and the UOC. She has also participated in associations related to the promotion of design (FAD Board 2005-2009; GRRR Collective 2000-2019).

Rosa Llop’s practice responds to the need to question the constructs that define and predefine the role of the designer. Rosa uses research as a strategy for observing the contemporary, paying particular attention to the systematisation of creative processes and the politics of representation. Her formal language seeks minimal action and she is interested in silence, emptiness and the invisible as acts of signification.

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