Giuliana’s new e-book, published by Monos Editions: Cross-section of an Unlearning Process
Giuliana Racco spent six months in the South West Bank collaborating with Campus in Camps, an experimental advanced research program based in a refugee camp and involving a group of fifteen refugees.
Tracing the potentialities and problematics of this challenging endeavor, along with the course of theory and intended action, Cross-section of an Unlearning Process hinges on a debate between participants and guests held on the occasion of the program’s first annual forum.
Looking from within, this account provides a gaze which attempts to unravel the motivations, desires, and fertile antagonisms driving the people involved in the program and all those attending the event, while presenting a cross-section of a living (un)learning process.
Categories: Activities of the residents, News | Tags: Clara Piazuelo