Óscar Martín
Óscar Martín, Winthertur (Switzerland) 1977
Period of residency: January – April 2015
Óscar Martín estudied Bachelor of Fine Arts in Sculpture and New Media (UPV). Artist, independent researcher and programmer working in the field of algorithmic poetic and the study of the generative and chaotic systems applied to artistic context in different formats: sound art, installations, performance, radio-net-art. Martin is also behind MetaminaFNR a streaming platform and he is editor of the magazine UrsonateFanzine about aural culture and experimental music UrsonateFanzine. He has conducted numerous workshops on creative and open source tools (FLOSS) and generative systems and computer music. Part of the collective Minipimer.tv resident since 2009 in the art center HANGAR.ORG.
His artistic practice could be understood as a “polyhedric” device of knowledge that hybridized and confluenced art, science and technology from an experimental, unorthodox and critical approach. His theoretical and practical research focuses on the phenomenon of “emergency” and “self-organization” in complex systems, decentralized and chaotic (natural or artificially simulated) and its implementation in the context of artistic creation. Emergency is defined as the onset of complexity from the interaction of a network of simple elements with each other and with the environment by following some simple rules that do emerge more sophisticated level-set behavior. His pieces are based on the development of generative systems inspired by these phenomena, using as main material light and sound in different formats ranging from performance, installation, publishing and digital distribution. From the sound aspect of his work Martin propose an active listening and expansion of ours perception through the physical-acoustic experience of emergence behauvior in the limits of the chaotic and order structures.
In 2012 he received the Phonos scholarship from the University Pompeu Fabra and Phonos Foundation to develop the installation {RdEs} Sonic Emergency Distributed Network . In 2013 the VIDA 14.0 prize to develop “SXK Turing Test” by the collective Quimera Rosa. Also awarded for “Les Bains numériques” Dance and New Media in Enghien, France Festival CIA Aniara Rodado . And he received a special mention by the AUDIOGAMES a collective project Telenoika 2010. Barcelona.
As a resident artist he has been in Nuvem station of art and technology in Brazil, Plataforma0 in LABoral Art and Industrial Creation center of Gijón, in Niakaza Space / Sud Sud in Soweto / South-Africa and Geneva / Switzerland, in the center CENC in Mons / Belgium and the Soft Control residence in Maribor / Slovenia.
His works have been seen and / or heard in different spaces for contemporary art and international festivals: La Batie Festival Geneva / Switzerland, International Image Festival Manizales / Colombia, Piksel Festival Galerie 3.14 Bergen / Norway, Radio Museo Reina Sofia, NK-project Berlin / Germany, Electropiksel Nantes / France, Sucked Orange Galerie Berlin / Germany, Sonikas X Festival of Experimental Music Vallecas, Noise = Noise UK, Studio Loos Den Haag / Holland, Medialab Prado Madrid, Gallery Aurora Barcelona art Gallery Burzca Zakopane / Poland, DATABAZ Angoulême / France, SummerLAB Casablanca / Morocco, Arteleku Donostia, MFRU-KIBLIX Maribor / Slovenia, AUDIO-MAD Madrid Centro Centro, MUSAC in León and MOR Oral Museum of the Revolution in MACBA Barcelona.