Encura Paratext with Patricia Dauder, Paula Bruna, David Ortiz Juan, Luce Choules and Lala Thorpe
Streaming: stream.hangar.org:8000/paratext
This name, Paratext, hides a monthly programme of presentations by the artists residents in Hangar of long and short duration, as well as the international residences, always on Wednesday, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Various artists will be presenting in different formats, specific projects or parts of their works. The sessions are always open to the public in order to facilitate interaction with the artists themselves. In addition, each Paratext has an editor who then publishes his/her impressions of the presentation on this blog. On this occasion the editor will be Marta Gracia.
The next Paratext session will take place on Wednesday march 27, at 7 p.m. in the Sala Ricson of Hangar.
In this edition, Luce Choules will present her research project Itinerant Actions: data and dialogues developed during the Encura Residence #3.
This Paratext session will feature a round table, which will be chaired by Lala Thorpe, cultural producer (London, UK). The panel will be formed of Luce Choules, Marta Gracia (Hangar) and the following artists who have collaborated on the project:
Itinerant Actions: data and dialogues
“The mind cannot carry away all that it has to give, nor… always believe possible what it has carried away.” (Nan Shepherd, The Living Mountain).
Following the presentations, a round-table discussion will be opened up to examine artistic practice in the landscape, reflecting on the ways artists are redefining the geographic narratives of place, site and encounter through memory, traces and sensory recordings. Responding to ideas of embodied knowledge, ecological economies, roaming landscapes and territory, the discussion will consider the role of fieldwork in contemporary arts practice. In addition to sharing working process and practice, the panel of artists will contribute insights into their research and methodologies.

Temporal School of Experimental Geography is an itinerant network of artists sharing ideas and responses to landscape through fieldwork. The intention is to explore and consider the geographic potential of artist-led fieldwork, and the experience and meaning of these practices to contribute to our collective understanding of place. The aim of TSOEG is to bring together artists working across a range of disciplines and geographic environments, to discuss fieldwork as methodology, parallel activity, art form, and research. www.tsoeg.org
Categories: Paratext | Tags: activitats dels artistes residents, Paratext