Txe Roimeser Xirgo

Short term residency

November 2021 - January 2022

Txe Roimeser Xirgo. Girona, 1991.

from a transfeminist practice and living with/from failure, txe activates investigations that start from the somatheque. from the everyday, they points out mechanisms of identity construction and they uses the cracks and margins to generate errors that reveal powers and fictions. trying to work in a situated way, they applies the appropriation and mutation of learned codes, thus opening possible spaces for other modes of ____, with the intention that which has been hacked could be used for the struggles that challenge they and can be shared and taken up by others. working with the everyday they entails that several tentacles are the interferences that modify the processes and makes they be anxious about what they have at hand and curious about the tiny bugs that are close to they. in their moves they is accompanied by a cage in which some time ago was the food and water of kaos – #kaosmorder a rabit-, with whom they they has shared rooms, days and nights on the road, breakfasts… and from whom they were able to learn to be in other ways. now the cage is a greenhouse, far from the mountain, for seeds that have been collected in the last house where they lived with kaos collectively with other animals and critters -non-human and human-. before their last move with the cage, txe studied the MUECA (master’s degree in cultural studies and visual arts with feminist and queer perspectives), they is part of the RWM working group, they collaborated with Quimera Rosa in the design and layout of the newspaper “Ni Urras Ni Anarres”, they has created things with Anna Irina Russell -among them the “Susi”, exhibited at Feminisms (CCCB), has driven around the block a few times with Jose Begega, occasionally gets together with Adrià Juan, Santi Doljanin and Albert Tarrats and in order to do a bit of noise and they collaborates with the Wetlab collective-in-residence (Gaia Leandra + Ce Quimera) in the making of the fanzines that are cooked up there.




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