ARM Cortex DIY meetup
On November 15th, at 5.30 p.m. an u-controller programming meetup takes place in Hangar under Befaco‘s Soldering Fridays programme. The meeting is conducted by Martin Klang, visible head of Rebel technology and is aimed at synth lovers, programmers, tech makers and any kind of human being interested in learning programming skills.
This is a first informal session looking at the ARM Cortex M microcontrollers and the tools available to create your own bare bones projects. Focus will be on STM32 MCU series.
Toolchains (compilers, linkers, programmers et c), firmware flashing, debugging, peripherals, configuring the chip and pin functions, connecting audio codecs, making USB devices and hosts, and anything else you might be interested in will be discussed at the meeting.
Please, bring your own laptop if you want to install and try any of the software that we will cover in this session.
Attention: A low-medium programming level is recommended.
Free entrance.
Entrance: T door.
Categories: Activities of the residents |