Tag Archives: Clara Piazuelo

Tallers Oberts Poble Nou

El cap de setmana del 24 i 25 de Maig es realitzaran les jornades per poder visitar els tallers dels artistes, artesans i algun espai d’exhibició d’arts visuals a Poblenou (districte de Sant Martí).

Els centres de creació d’art i artesania pioners del barri tornaran a realitzar aquesta activitat conjunta a traves de la qual es […]

Published on: 09. May 2014 by Hangar
Categories: Activities of the residents, News | Tags: |

(Català) Claudia Pagès imparteix un taller al C. Cívic Sant Andreu dins del cicle Fénix

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Published on: 08. May 2014 by Hangar
Categories: Activities of the residents | Tags: |

(Català) Presentació artistes residències internacionals. Dimarts 29 18h. Entrada lliure

Matías Ercole
Assajos de situació

La pràctica del dibuix pot agafar moltes formes; m’interessa investigar aquesta qualitat en particular de la tècnica. El seu rang de possibilitats pot variar des del seu ús com a medi per representar fins a registrar processos de manera abstracta. La meva atenció, ara, està enfocada cap a la energia que […]

Published on: 25. April 2014 by Hangar
Categories: Activities of the residents, News | Tags: |

(Català) Aggtelek participa a Poppositions

El col.lectiu Aggtelek participa a Poppositions que tindrá lloc del 24 al 27 abril de Brusseles

“Conceived as an experiment with the art fair format and an alternative to the white cube environment of standard fairs, POPPOSITIONS is an assembly of galleries and hybrid art spaces. Changing location within Brussels for each edition and with a […]

Published on: 22. April 2014 by Hangar
Categories: Activities of the residents, News | Tags: |

Giuliana Racco Matteo Guidi presentation Elemental Movements

Examining the generalized limitation of movement and consequential self-imposed restraint, they
researched the ways refugees can circumvent the inherited and unending temporariness of camp life.

By reflecting on unpredictable methods of daily resistance sparked by a combination of simplicity and ingenuity,
the proposed project plays itself out through the movement of a subject (an artist) and an object […]

Published on: 03. April 2014 by Hangar
Categories: Activities of the residents, News | Tags: |

(Català) Taller/demo/testeig de adtlantida.tv

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Published on: 03. April 2014 by Hangar
Categories: Activities of the residents, News | Tags: |

(Català) Llobet&Pons participen a Quitamiedos

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Published on: 02. April 2014 by Hangar
Categories: Activities of the residents, News | Tags: |

(Català) Jonathan Millán i Pep Vidal a “Una exposición luminosa”

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Published on: 28. March 2014 by Hangar
Categories: Activities of the residents, News | Tags: |

(Català) David Mutiloa participa a la exposició Retroalimentación

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Published on: 25. March 2014 by Hangar
Categories: Activities of the residents, News | Tags: |

(Català) Marla Jacarilla participa a Capítol II: Fugides. La ficció com a rigor

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Published on: 25. March 2014 by Hangar
Categories: Activities of the residents, News | Tags: |

(Català) Marla Jacarilla participa a una taula rodona al Bòlit de Girona

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Published on: 25. March 2014 by Hangar
Categories: Activities of the residents, News | Tags: |

(Català) Laura Llaneli participa al Cau d’Orella amb la peça 37 sobre 1

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Published on: 18. March 2014 by Hangar
Categories: Activities of the residents, News | Tags: |

(Català) Victor Jaenada participa a “Jugada a 3 bandas 2014”

Sorry, this entry is only available in Catalan and European Spanish.

Published on: 18. March 2014 by Hangar
Categories: Activities of the residents, News | Tags: |

(Català) David Mutiloa presenta Good displays catch crowds

Sorry, this entry is only available in Catalan and European Spanish.

Published on: 17. March 2014 by Hangar
Categories: Activities of the residents, News | Tags: |

(Català) “Del Cos al text” i “Breve historia subjetiva de la mentira y la representación”

Sorry, this entry is only available in Catalan and European Spanish.

Published on: 07. March 2014 by Hangar
Categories: Activities of the residents, News | Tags: |

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