Hangar’s artists are opening their studios this weekend
On May 15 & 16 Hangar is opening its studios to present the KinderHangar programme: 3 workshops for children and teenagers given by resident artists Lola Lasurt, Rita Rodríguez and Jordi Ferreiro. The KinderHangar programme coincides with Linguafesta organized by Linguamón.
Open workshops by Hangar’s resident artists
Saturday 15th
11h00 – 14h00
Sunday 16th
10h00 – 15h00
Jordi Ferreiro will give a tour of Hangar’s different spaces and studios, ending up with an activity centred on contemporary art. Come and explore our centre at first hand and see the work of our resident artists with KinderHangar!
The aim of this activity is to create a connection between the neighbourhood’s currently active cooperatives and a former cooperative movement that was representative of the neighbourhood, in this case “Pau i Justícia”.
The artists explains it in the following terms:
“I did a performance in Copenhagen last month where I went into a room that I hadn’t been in previously, with my eyes blind-folded and wearing wireless headphones. In the room, somebody had stuck a piece of paper on the wall and there was a microphone that was connected to the headphones I had on. There was sign hanging from this microphone that said: DESCRIBE THIS SPACE EXACTLY AS YOU SEE IT. People came over to the microphone and described the room to me while I tried to draw what I was hearing from them on that piece of paper, trying to get an idea, through others’ eyes, of what this space, that I didn’t know at all, was like.
The genesis of this workshop arose from a curiosity to find out what it would be like to work with children put in a similar situation. In this case, some of Hangar’s artists will describe their studio, work and interests, while the children, equipped with drawing utensils, will listen to the descriptions and try to draw what is being described. Afterwards, the children will be able to visit the studios to find out what they are really like and to compare their drawings with the actual studios.