Between Some and Others. Feral Research Gathering at AZALA

Between October 21 and 25, Hangar’s artists-in-residence will be holding a feral research gathering at AZALA.

AZALA is a rural space for meetings between artists, creators, activists, and thinkers. With dance and performing arts at the core of this place, its expansive energy naturally and fluidly crosses into other artistic disciplines, as well as other terms like performing arts, body arts, and live arts.

The stay at Azala will dedicate the days to going through a series of exercises, protocols, and practices, most of which have been developed over the years at AZALA by various artists and collective situations. Artists will also be able to propose activities for everyone to participate in together. This shared experience will allow the participating artists to observe their work and have it observed in relation to others, offering and receiving feedback in interactions specifically designed for this purpose—gradually built, collectively, by other artists and practice groups. This may be one of the most significant and valuable learnings from Hangar’s support programs. This stay seeks to emphasize and expand on this aspect.

In the words of the artists-in-residence:

“It was when we started with OLLA, a collective exercise of intertwining among the residents, that we faced questions about what interested us as a group of people who would be sharing a studio for two years—what common interests we had or wanted to put forth. We thought about how we could foster a situation that would help create collectivity, community, when we barely knew each other. And the idea emerged to spend a few days together—days and nights in another place, a place outside of the everyday, that would open up shared space for other rhythms, views, movements, conversations. Away from the logic of individual work in the studio. And there, with the trust and intimacy of that situation, we could share and generate practices and interests that otherwise, in the daily routine of the studio, would not arise.

And the idea of doing it at AZALA came up, making the desire even more enticing. That was before Idoia became part of the Resonance Team, back in October 2022. And now, with the idea of adding the accumulated support experience from AZALA and Idoia [Zabaleta], it couldn’t be a better plan.”

This activity is directed exclusively to Hangar’s artists-in-residence.

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