Laura Tripaldi, Thinking with Materials


According to the (Cambridge) dictionary, a material is “a solid substance from which things can be made”. In this definition, a material is identified by its passivity – by the process of being transformed into something else by means of human agency. Materials, however, are much more than this: they can think, grow, move, remember, and learn. Can we change this restrictive definition of “material”? Can we rethink our relationship with matter from the ground up? This workshop, inspired by Laura Tripaldi’s book Parallel Minds, will focus on discovering methodologies and practices for encountering materials as active subjects rather than passive objects. Through discussion, readings, and group activity, participants will engage in a bottom-up process to reimagine what “material” means.

Practical information
Date: Tuesday, April 23
Time: 11 am
Location: Hangar (Antigua oficinas)
Participation: free, up to a capacity of 20 people
The workshop will be held in English
Each participant should bring a “material” (No limits here! Part of the interest lies in finding out what “material” means to each person)

Laura Tripaldi (Italy, 1993) is a writer and researcher working at the intersection of science, technology, and humanities. Her research revolves around the question of materiality in its philosophical, cultural and political implications, with a focus on softness, technological interfaces, and artificial life. After obtaining her PhD in Materials Science and Nanotechnology, she has taught courses, seminars, and workshops at several cultural and academic institutions worldwide. Her book Parallel Minds. Discovering the Intelligence of Materials was first published in 2020 and translated into Spanish by Caja Negra in 2023

This activity is part of OLLA. Common Research Program. It echoes a longing sustained by material research from different sensibilities, epistemic heritages, uses and languages. It happens in complicity with Caja Negra.

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