Andrea Gómez

Andrea Gómez, Medellín 1977
Period of residency:
Short term residency: January – March 2015
Long term residency: April 2015 – 2017
Andrea Gómez studied Fine Arts at National University of Colombia (2000) and at University of Barcelona, España (2005); MA in Comparative studies between Art, Philosophy and Literature, Pompeu Fabra University (2010). Co-founder of L’automática (, Todojunto ( and Joystick (
Her work has developed in multiple fronts of production: drawing, painting, graphic arts, collaborative projects and sound experimentation.
The transformations of language given by digital systems of communication, the borderline between science and metaphysics and the reflection on the materiality / unmateriality of the digital have been core ideas of her research for the last years.
Some solo shows: Metacollage, Galerie T, Düsseldorf, Alemania (2014); L’air du temps, Me & the curiosity, Barcelona (2014); Les Habilitats, ECCM, Barcelona (2011); Archivos Mayo, Espai Zero1, Olot (2006). Group shows include: Todo empezó con un salmón, XL Space, Helsinki, Finlandia (2014); Une vie à la gomme, Galeria Maserre, Barcelona (2013); Dandy, Galería Dama Aflita, Oporto (2012). Su participación en ferias, bienales y festivales incluye: Spermöla, Casa Encendida, Madrid (2005); Festival de arte sonoro Zeppelin, CCCB, Barcelona (2003); Tropical table Party, Bienal del Caribe, Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana (2004); ARTBO, Galería Goodman Duarte (2007); SWAB (2013 y 2014) with Me & the curiosity, her work has been published in books like: Street Logos de Christian Manco, Thames & Hudson; The art of Rebellion, de Christian Hundertmark, Ginko Press (2003).