Anna Romanenko
Baden-Württemberg Catalunya Grand 2017
September - October 2017

More often than not the artist works collaboratively. Anna has built an under-water habitat, a flexible elastomere structure in the Baltic Sea; exported guided tours to map on new surroundings; has given numerous workshops on the potential of toasting and researched the mechanics of the facial blush. At the moment she prepares a Snail-on-the-Slope-School of Russian language. Employing the brothers Strugatzki’s 1972 sci-fi novel to teach a language as an always already alien world.
Anna has studied fine arts, theater directing and architecture in Hamburg, Stuttgart and Moscow. She has participated in residency programs in Germany, Lithuania, Switzerland and South Africa. Currently she is a fellow in the Studio Programme for Art, Architecture and Theory at Künstlerhaus Stuttgart. Anna is a founding member of the Verlag für Handbücher (Publishing House for Handbooks).