This weekend we have Generatech here again, but with an emphasis on music.
This Saturday we will begin another instalment of Fase II, this time, this time with one of their optional workshops. The optional workshops have been designed to allow people to sign up to the Fase II series of workshops once they have already started, or so that people can finish projects they started in earlier workshops.
At the same time, another workshop which started last week will be taking place in Hangar, and it appears to be the most theory-based one that l’Ull Cec have carried out so far: The Practice of Phonography and the Politics of Sound. During this seminar, we will study the social dimension of sound production and reception, a field that could be described as ‘the politics of sound’. From this perspective, the selection process of both the situation and the object of the recording is understood as significant, and raises questions about what is being recorded and listened to, and what isn’t.
Generatech will begin its activities on Friday, but they will be in Hangar on Saturday at 12:00. You may view the whole programme here.