Call for medium-term residencies at Hangar (6 months)

Call for applications for medium-term residencies (6 months).
Deadline for applications: 31 October 2024 at 11:59 pm.
Number of places available: 3
Duration of the residency: from February 2025 to July 2025.
Result of the selection: first week of November 2024.
Access to the studio, programmes and services: 130.26 €/month (VAT included).
Deposit: 130 € to be returned at the end of the residency.

Hangar is a centre that maintains (that is, it generates, updates, revises, repairs and sustains) the conditions necessary to facilitate artistic production and research, understood as practices and forms of critical speculation capable of responding to contemporary debates and urgencies.

Hangar functions as an ecosystem, made up of tools, spaces, various forms of accompaniment, programmes and calls for proposals, but above all it is shaped by those who inhabit or participate in it.

To whom it is addressed

This call is open to individual artists or collectives (whose members do not also have individual practices).

Any artist of any nationality can apply for the medium-term residency. Travel and accommodation costs in Barcelona, as well as the contribution to access to the studio, programmes and services, will be covered by the artist in residence.

These residencies are aimed at practices in the field of contemporary art, in its various formalisations and languages.

Please note:
The residency does not include medical insurance. For international residents, it is recommended that each person purchase medical insurance in their country of origin, valid for the duration of their residency at Hangar.

Studios and spaces for daily use

Each resident has a 30 m2 workspace in a room shared with the other residents. There are some 60m2 studios whose space is shared between two artists. There are walls that provide visual separation but not acoustic or climatic separation. It is important to bear in mind that the nature of the space does not allow the coexistence of practices that generate persistent noise, odours or suspended materials that may disturb others.

Studio facilities: desk and chair, power socket, internet connection (Wi-Fi) and heating. The installation of air conditioning is planned for the next building renovation described in the “Important Note” section.

Other shared facilities: kitchen, showers and toilets.

Access to the workshop is free, 7/24/365.

Shared resources

1. Free use of the following services: Digital Image and Video Laboratories, Hangar Rooms (Antigues oficines, Ricson and Polivalente Rooms) and audio-visual equipment hire. The rooms are shared tools and, as such, are subject to reservation and availability procedures in order to guarantee their shared use.

2. Free advice on issues related to artistic production (advice on production planning, preparation and management of budgets, etc.). Hangar has 3 laboratories (Construction, Interaction & Soft/Hardware, and Interfaces and Networks) that are available to residents in the form of a bank of free hours. The remaining hours are charged at a very reduced rate.

3. Free consultancy once a week during Open Thursdays in the Hangar labs and with the residents’ collectives.

4. Free access to the activities that take place in Hangar.

5. Dissemination of artistic practices and processes through their inclusion in Hangar’s communication project and publications.

6. Organisation of a public presentation as part of Paratext public program.

7. Call for various production and research grants.

Application procedure

The application must be sent in PDF format to ariadna(at) with the subject line “Convocatoria residencia estancia media Hangar 2025”.

The document must include:

1. Personal details (full name, date and place of birth, identity card or passport photo, email contact, telephone contact).

2. Artist Statement: It is not a biography, but a short discourse on the intentionality of the work, what characterises it, its themes, the references it uses and the type of formalisations it usually adopts (maximum 2500 characters, including spaces).

3. Curriculum vitae (maximum 2500 characters, including spaces).

4. Letter of motivation (maximum 3000 characters, including spaces). The letter must include any other information that the candidate deems appropriate:
– Why Hangar? That is, in what way does the artistic practice find a specific and appropriate context at Hangar, and in what way can it be linked to the centre, its lines of work, and to other resident practices or communities that the centre interpellates.
-Why now? That is, in what way does Hangar facilitate opportunities for development at the current point in the applicant’s journey?

5. Graphic dossier of a selection of projects (up to a maximum of 5 works; technical sheets, images, texts and relevant links).

6. Personal web URL, if available.

IMPORTANT: Applications that do not contain the required information and/or exceed the maximum length will not be accepted.

Selection procedure

The Selection Committee is made up of the Stable Jury, Carolina Jiménez, Head of Research and Accompaniment Programs, and Ariadna Guiteras, Residency Coordinator.

The selection committee reserves the right to leave some of the vacancies unfilled.

Evaluation criteria

1. Submission of all documents and materials requested in the call for applications, in the format and length requested.

2. Practices, backgrounds or arrangements that demonstrate an understanding of the specificities of Hangar as a centre for artistic research and production will be considered. Either because the work puts into practice interests, techniques or technologies that will find in Hangar handles and accompaniments that are particularly relevant to them; or because the applications make explicit the will – or implicitly carry a capacity – to nourish and intervene in Hangar’s environment, including its services, its methodologies, its lines of research and its ways of being, influencing and resisting in the world at large.

3. The moment in which the artists find themselves when they present their application. What they have done so far, what they intend to do and the coherence and maturity of their current processes in relation to previous ones.

4. The interest, solidity and uniqueness of the practice, as well as the harmony between their methodologies and processes and the values and methodologies of Hangar.

5. Applications from artists at the beginning of their careers will be considered, as well as those with a greater degree of experience or consolidation. Given that there are many opportunities for emerging artists in Barcelona, Hangar also aims to be a space for longer careers.

6. The results will seek diversity and complementarity of practices and backgrounds. The jury will pay attention to collectives and geographies that are less represented in the artistic context.

7. The selection processes, as well as the materials requested, tend to operate on the basis of a series of consensuses about the ways in which artistic practices are expressed and described. From this awareness, all kinds of languages and ways of representing professional careers are valued.

Privacy Policy

1. In accordance with data protection regulations, we inform you that personal data will be processed by Hangar for the purpose of managing participation in this call. The data will not be disclosed to third parties as required by law. You have the right to access, rectify and cancel the data provided, as well as to exercise the other rights established in the applicable data protection legislation.

2. The submission of projects under this call implies the presumption of authorship, with any possible claims being the responsibility of the person who submitted the project.

Informative sessions

If you wish to learn how Hangar operates, explore its spaces, research programs, or ask questions about the open call, you can do so in two ways:

– Thursday, October 10 at 6 pm online via the following link:
– Tuesday, October 15 at 11 am at Hangar

Further information and submission of applications
Ariadna Guiteras
+34 93 308 4041


Categories: Open Calls |

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