Activities of the exchange grant L’Asilo – Hangar
The artists in residence Francisco Navarrete Sitja, Lucía Egaña Rojas y Marion Balac present in L’Asilo de Nápoles various activities that are part of the international residence they are doing in this center until the month of July.
The first activity, Con-Vivencias, will take place on June 25, 26 and 30 and will materially reflect the themes of collective work and the implications of coexistence. The activity is divided into three sessions and has been proposed by Marion Balac, Lucía Egaña Francisco Navarrete and Marzia Matarese.
In Porno Gratis a L’Asilo, which will take place on June 28, the short film PORNO, dissidents, self-managed and activists will be presented.
Finally, on June 30 will be Exchange, which will present the works of artists participating in the exchange residence between Hangar and L’Asilo, Luca Anzani, Peppe Cerillo and Luca Serafino de L’Asilo and Marion Balac, Lucia Egaña Rojas and Francisco Navarrete Sitja.
Categories: Activities of the residents |