Sexcript: experimental methodologies to depatriarchalize porn scripts

Hamaca runs the workshop Sexcript: experimental methodologies to depatriarchalize porn scripts, by El Instituto de Estudios del Porno.

Thinking about “script and porn” may seem like nonsense, a paradox, an annulment: “hello-youoverhere-groan-groan-cumshot-end-of-the-script”. But the Institute of Porn Studies understands that thinking about porn from the script can provide us with new points of view. The script is the reverse of the image because it is the structure that sustains it, it is the reverse of its time because it is projective, it is the reverse of its materiality because it is an obscure idea even before the light.

Hamaca and the Institute of Porn Studies invite you to turn the script upside down: to turn it from a framework into a bathtub of bubbling lubrications. You will make a 360° turn around the image, to perceive its three-dimensionality, a cruising space where diegetic and extradiegetic elements meet. You will feel the voltage of the lubricious energies that meat and non-meat materials share and you will ask yourselves who counts, how and from where.You will go through different ways of experiencing narratives, times and porn’s liturgy through the manipulation and excitement of printed materials that will give shape to bastard storyboards.

The workshop is based on practical proposals and an experimental methodology. Throughout the first three sessions there will be three different approaches exploring the different materialities that could configure a xcript. The last and fourth session will seek to give visual form to some of the proposals.

– Session 1: Approaches to objects, prostheses, spaces, bodies, technologies and interactions through (im)possible combinations facilitated by speculative thinking.

– Session 2: Exploration of camera movements, ellipsis, out-of-field, movements and environments through the image.

– Session 3: Starting from the materiality of the narrative formats of printed porn: magazines, comics, photonovels and their digital counterparts, we will create storyboards from their manipulation through different compositional techniques.

-Session 4: Exhibition of processes.

Practical Information

Duration: 8 hours
Dates: November 4, 11, 18, 25
Times: from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Price: 20€ gral public / 10€ Friends of hamaca
Location: Hangar, Plató

Registration here




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