Digital self-protection

In the light of the recent criminalisation of protest and expression in several European countries, Hangar, together with LAAS, is opening up a space for mutual advice for people, organisations or institutions that want to ensure a minimum level of protection when it comes to expressing themselves:


The digital environment is increasingly becoming a public sphere without its spaces being public or its governance being explicit, let alone secure. The social networks, the web spaces, the data we reveal about what we consult or the remote documents we circulate and sign have invisible information paths that make it necessary to think about strategies of individual and collective protection.

Despite the haste of recent events and the urgent feeling of having to act or speak out, it seems important to us to open a space for mutual consultation in parallel, in order to be able to meet people, organisations and institutions that want to provide themselves with a minimum of protection when mobilising, and thus provide us with safer digital spaces [bearing in mind that it is currently difficult, if not impossible, to find non-digital spaces…].

As Miriyam Aouragh suggests, it is a question of looking at “new ways of overcoming immobility and motivating interaction” [2]. Beyond the current circumstances, we also think of this space as a generative context of work and (re)mediation in the medium term, allowing us to become aware, share tools and invent strategies to have a minimum control over the way we appear or are made to appear.

In this open consulting space, we will address issues related to:

– Open source software (videoconferencing, Internet clouds, email…)
– Server architecture for data management and proximity services
– Encrypted instant messaging
– Metadata management and best practices in social networks
– tactics of consent and collective resistance

This space is not a service, it is an open and collective cross-consultation. We do not claim to provide a magical and instant solution to the security of devices and the exposure of data on the Internet. This space is intended to be a meeting point where we can share strategies on existing possibilities and participate in existing operations to achieve a healthier and relatively secure, or at least less exposed, computing life. There is already a lot of work done and material available, sometimes it is just a matter of building bridges and connections.

[1] We use “self” to emphasise participation in one’s own and collective security conditions, as opposed to the delegation of such security, but we would also cross out “self” because there is no such autonomy or sovereignty, but rather mutual support and dependency

About Hangar’s Interfaces and Networks Lab
At Hangar’s Interfaces and Networks Lab we defend a technological positioning based on the precepts of open source and federated infrastructures as a way of responding to and counteracting the environmental impacts and technological lobbies that order not only our data but also our ways of working and living.
+ information here.

Practical information
Date: Friday 10th and every Monday in November
Time: 5 pm
Place: Hangar
Free admission

Categories: Agenda Hangar |

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