Paratext 73 by Nana Shimomura, Daniel Cao and Constanza Piña Pardo (Corazón de Robota)

This name, Paratext, hides a monthly program of performances by artists in residence at Hangar as well as artists on exchange grants. They present, in different formats, specific projects or parts of their work. The sessions are always open to the public with the purpose of enabling interaction with the artists themselves.

The next Paratext session will take place on Wednesday, November 29th at 7 p.m. in Hangar’s Sala Ricson.

Projects will be presented by:

Nana Shimomura (Medium-term residency)
Nana Shimomura is a multidisciplinary artist who deconstructs calligraphy through collaboration with contemporary media and analysis of time and perception. This attitude also reflects in the wide range of her relationships with specialists in other areas including musicians, poets and architects. In the theme of her work production, she has taken the constellations that exist equally in the sky as one of the important themes. Linking them to the fundamental perceptions of human beings and continuing to explore new forms of expression using calligraphy. Shimomura believes the act of kaku (writing/drawing/scraping/lacking in Japanese) is our purest form of creativity born from our ancient impulses which makes her challenge the traditional perception of calligraphy.

Daniel Cao (Medium-term residency)
As a creator, he is interested in fixing and translating the things that pass through his imagination into images, stories, narratives or different artistic forms. In his projects, he starts from a basic idea or concept, in which the theme of each work resides, and which he then links to the context and territory in order to carry it out. He sees the works as a meeting point between his references (among which science fiction, video games, biology, technology and extraterrestrial speculation stand out) and the audience. All the projects use different formats and have different needs, using the photographic image, installation, sound, performance or multimedia environments.

Constanza Piña Pardo (Corazón de Robota) (RACOR residency)
She is a Chilean visual artist, dancer and researcher, also known as Corazón de Robota. Her work is based on electronic experimentation, open hardware technologies, DIY philosophy and technofeminist social practices. Her work explores noise as a sonic, political, spiritual and cultural phenomenon. From a pseudo-scientific perspective, Constanza develops the concept of electronic witchcraft, seeing electronics as a bridge to connect the physical world with intangible energy from multiple spectral fields. She creates analogue synthesizers, textile antennas, EMF amplifiers and experimental radios. Since 2013, she has been researching Andean ancestral computing systems, developing the work Khipu // pre-Hispanic electrotextile computer, which received an honourable mention at the Ars Electronica Prix 2020. This research integrates speculation and Andean science fiction to defend knowledge undervalued and discredited by hegemonic sources of scientific knowledge.

Free entrance

Image: Nana Shimomura

Categories: Agenda Hangar, Paratext | Tags:

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