On the 8th, 9th and 10th of October: Sound Pointillism. Practical workshop on Granular Synthesis using SuperCollider.


Granular synthesis is a sound synthesis method based on the principles of sampling. It uses small sound fragments in order to build a consistent sound structure made up of hundreds or thousands of these sound particles. Due to the fragments or granules’ short duration (usually between 10 and 50 ms), granular synthesis is said to operate on a temporal scale of micro sounds. The aforementioned grains can be synthesised or created from pre-recorded samples. The overlapping of large quantities of them allows you to generate a wide variety of textures, through variations in the shape of sound waves, the envelope, the duration, the spatial position and the density of events. The result of this process is not a simple tone, but rather a texture or cloud with characteristics that are radically different to those resulting from other methods of synthesis.

The workshop will be taught in English, with the possibility of asking for translation of specific points in Catalan or Spanish. The participants will be expected to bring their own computer (Mac, Linux, Windows), with SuperCollider installed on it, as well as a set of headphones.

+Info and enrolment

Level: Beginners and intermediate level



  • Friday 8th, 16:00-22:00
  • Saturday 9th, 11:00-20:00 (there will be a lunch break)
  • Sunday 10th, 11:00-20:00 (there will be a lunch break)

Fee: 90 € (there is cheaper rate for those who enrol on several courses)


This activity has been organised by l’ull cec, with the collaboration of the Consell Nacional de la Cultura i les Arts, and the support of Hangar.


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