You may find here the news published on Hangar’s website between 2006 and 2010
You may find here the news published on Hangar’s website between 2006 and 2010
Next Tuesday June 21th, romanian artists Irina Botea will present her work and the workshop Responses that has conducted during her residency in Hangar. Workshop participants will as well talk about their experience,
The call for proposals to participate in Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens's next performance will remain open until the 25th of June. Ecosex Barcelona, with Hangar and theCCCB, as collaborators, invite you to join the Ecosex Wedding to the Rocks which will take place on the 29th of June in the Pati de les Dones of the CCCB, between 19:00 [...]
PERFORMANCE WORKSHOP by Cooperativa General HumanaWeekly sessions during the month of JuneFirst session: 10th of June at 18:30 in HangarUsing as a starting point the traditional festive demonstrations of the neighbourhood's social network, we will research into the forms such demonstrations may take through the combination of art media, mainly performance, but also video and electronic music. A dynamic of [...]
This Wednesday 8th of June at 19:30, is the private view of "Belvedere", an exhibition curated by Bestué-Vives at the gallery Estrany de la Mota (Passatge mercader, 18, Barcelona)
Responses, a workshop by Irina Botea
Durante el 2011 Hangar estarà implicat com a coproductor en el projecte europeu MOB: La ciutat i la creació cinematogràfica mòbil.Experimentant amb nous usos urbans, MOB fomenta les pràctiques artístiques emergents relacionades amb les tecnologies mòbils.
Friday 3rd of June at 19:30
The second exhibition of the Sala d'Art Jove's programme will open on Thursday 2nd of June at 20:00.+info
(Català) El dijous 2 de juny a partir de les 17h a Hangar amb la directora artística Mónica Bello
(Català) Avui 26.5 a les 19h inaugura l'exposició Pere Noguera. Històries d’arxiu (1974-2011) comissàriada per la Pilar Parcerisas. L’exposició constitueix un treball en procés que començà a la dècada de 1970 i que ha estat rellegit amb intensitat els darrers anys. + infoAmb motiu d'aquesta exposició Hangar i la Fundació Antoni Tàpies oferim un taller adreçat a artistes, creadors i, [...]
Just like every year, Hangar will be taking part in Tallers Oberts Poblenou, an initiative that opens the studios of artists and craftsmen from the neighbourhood, and creates an extensive programme of activities. As well as opening their studios to the public, Hangar's resident artists have prepared a programme of activities, which include an interactive installation, concerts, and performances with [...]
(Español) Dirigida a artistas y creadores que necesitan un espacio de trabajo para desarrollar un proyecto de producción específico, a desarrollar en un máximo de tres meses. Estas estancias cortas tienen por objeto dar cabida a aquellos proyectos que, por las necesidades de su proceso de producción, precisan de un espacio de desarrollo durante un periodo breve.El plazo de presentación [...]
On the weekend of the 28th and 29th of May, during the Poblenou neighbourhood's May festivities, there will be a Tallers Oberts (Open Studios) day that will include the neighbourhood's studio spaces, within the framework of Tallers Oberts Barcelona which takes places throughout various areas of the city. Hangar will be taking part with a programme of activities organised by [...]
Aimed at artists who need a workspace in order to carry out specific projects to be developed within a maximum period of three months. These short stays aim to cater to projects that, due to their production needs, only require a space for their development during a brief period of time.Applications will be accepted between the 23rd of May and [...]
Enrolment is now open for the following courses from the programme "Digital Gap: Artists on Web 2.0" promoted by the AAVC: