Rafael Pérez Evans presents Un rayo

Rafael Pérez Evans presents Un Rayo as part of the residence at Abierto en Theredoom, Madrid.

The artist incorporates a new voice to his historiographic cast, this time a new story, heard on the Malecon of La Havana in 2011.

“A lightning struck a policeman, according to several acquaintances of the deceased was a punishment of God. The police secretly prostituted himself with men.”

Rafael graduated in Fine Arts from Goldsmiths University in London. His works have been exhibited in Mexico, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, U.S.A, London, Berlin, Madrid and Barcelona. Through the use of ethnography and research, he is digging and unearthing lost stories, gestures, news, images and local rumors. These are then reworked in facilities that use performance, photographs and objects that are recapitulating micro-resistance narratives within a new fictional historiography.
As “archaeologist of the West,” he has been working and living in countries like Mexico, USA, Cuba and Brazil, where he has excavated from a western nostalgia for a more crude past, extracting material and then rebuilding in Europe, in this process finding an anxiety postcolonial that goes through its practice. Sometimes its type of archeology is concerned to unearth peculiar local histories, where the results of the excavations, may bring some further questioning about how we relate to the hierarchy of information, those we receive in stories, history and rumors .
Pérez Evans was a finalist in the Miquel Casablancas award (project modality) and the Art Nou 2017 award (Barcelo). His most recent exhibitions include solo exhibitions at Nogueras Blanchard (Barcelona), Despina (Rio de Janeiro), Lekka & Perikleous (Athens), Galería Yusto Giner (Marbella), Paratext – Hangar (Barcelona). He is part of the Gazua Project (Rio de Janeiro) and is the founder of Romita 26 (Mexico City).

Opening of the exhibition 19.10.17 at 19h open until 21.10.17
Open studios from 09.10-17 to 21.10.17 (previous appointment): info (at) rafaelperezevans.com


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