Tag Archives: wetlab
Second edition DIY microscope workshop
On 20 March at 18:30 h, the IMVEC residence collective proposes an appointment to build DIY microscopes in the Hangar wetlab.
Contents: We will guide the participants through the construction of their own microscope with affordable materials: cardboard, screws, web cameras and tape. The model is built in half an hour and is connected to a […]
DEATHLAB 1: Epistemagics + accelerationisms
Next Thursday, March 14 at 8:30 pm Hangar wetlab invites a dinner to talk and celebrate the first Deathlab, a sporadic and ephemeral laboratory that occupies this biolab to explore ideas about dying. On this occasion, the meeting will bring together two communities of different natures that inhabit the center in different ways: the Epistemagics […]
‘Food biomaterials’ will be developed in the Interactivos?’19 co-laboratory in Medialab Prado
Food Biomaterials project by Laura Mir, participant in various wetlab projects and internship student for assistance to Hangar artists, has been selected to be developed during Interactivos?’19: Eating against the collapse co-laboratory of Medialab Prado, Madrid. Her proposal for the call was developed with the collaboration of Hangar wetlab and proposes the production of alternative […]
Talk with Robertina Šebjanič
There are still songs to sing beyond mankind.
Paul Celan
On February 21 at 7 p.m. Hangar presents Sounds of a troubled world’s = Underwater Interception of aquaforming, a talk with Robertina Šebjanič introduced by Laura Benítez Valero. At the meeting, presented as a moderated debate between the two, Robertina will present four of her series of […]
DIY microscopes workshop by Public Lab
On February 14th Public Lab proposes a date to build DIY microscopes at Wetlab d’Hangar <3.
Addressed to
All audiences. We invite family participation.
Construction of a microscope and understanding of microscopy fundamentals.
2 h
Thursday 14 Feb 2019 – 18:00 h
Registration fee
€ 25. If you can not pay the price, get in touch with us anyway and we will […]
Southern Transdisciplines: Science, Writing and Sexual Dissidence Activism in Chile, with Jorge Díaz
The artist in residence Lucía Egaña presents on October 10th a new edition of Sureando el Cuerpo at Hangar’s Wet Lab.
This meeting explores the (failed) attempts to establish transdisciplinary knowledge from the south of the world by a scientist and activist of Chilean sexual dissidence. The results of molecular research on the migration of cancer […]