Relational architectures, with Carolina Campos and Leticia Skrycky

On December 1st, Hangar presents Relational Architectures, a meeting to collectivize ways of doing-thinking developed by Carolina Campos and Leticia Skrycky throughout their shared experience within research-creation processes in living arts.

Whether from their own projects, or from practices around artistic accompaniment or scenic design, both are at a point of intersection: approaching scenic pieces as invitations to situations of attention.

In this joint research they ask about the relational architectures that constitute an artistic event. How these intertwinings of different materialities which make a piece, can unfold invitations to singular ways of seeing and listening, of inhabiting a place and a duration collectively.

This activity is part of OLLA. Common research program.

Leticia Skrycky. Montevideo, 1985.
Designer and scenic creator. She has developed her work mainly in the field of performance and contemporary dance. Taking lighting as a starting point, she investigates practices of collaboration and co-creation between humans, non-humans and various languages ​​found on stage. Her latest work, LAS LÁMPARAS, was premiered at the TNT 2023 Festival (ES). As a designer, she collaborates with artists and companies from France, Portugal, Spain, Brazil, Austria, among others. Recognized with the FEFCA-“Zavala Muniz” scholarship (MEC, UY) in 2016. Master in Performing Practice and Visual Culture, coordinated by ARTEA at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid (ES). Professor of Integrated Design at the National Institute of Fine Arts / Bachelor of Dance at the University of the Republic, Uruguay in 2020. She has given various workshops and talks in Uruguay, Chile, Spain and Portugal, and since 2023 she has been carrying out the project of research and training in stage lighting materia leve. She currently resides in Lisbon, Portugal.

Carolina Campos. Caxias do Sul, 1978.
Involved in different circuits of creation and research, she develops her practices between performance, writing and pedagogy. He is interested in methodological approaches that reflect collectivities and collaboration in artistic creation. She is currently investigating artistic accompaniment as a state of attention that opens spaces for the imagination of worlds in relation and situated critical thinking. She is one of the closest collaborators in the development of Real Time Composition since 2012. This research, developed with the Portuguese choreographer João Fiadeiro, through practice and the body, is related to philosophy, metaphysical speculation and neuroscience. In Brazil she has worked at Lia Rodrigues Cia de Danzas between 2008 and 2011. She was a resident artist at La Caldera (2019), La Escocesa (2020 – 2022) and El Graner (2022).

Practical information
Day: December 1, 2023
Time: 10 a.m.
Space: Sala Polivalent
Limited places. Free registration through this form. Priority will be given to people interested in creation processes that involve a collective dimension.

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Categories: Agenda Hangar | Tags:

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