Conversation with Julia Spínola

Between the vectors of movement that move OLLA. Common research program converges the craving to share work processes as practice of proximity. At OLLA, we have confirmed that when the walls of our own workshop disappear, the modes of production shift and constantly demand a rearticulation of the method used. For this reason, we insist on the potential of what we could call “entanglements of practices”; occasions and positions for reformulating questions, crossing tools, protocols, and research methodologies that call for an encounter between the artistic practices of the residents and those of the guests. We are challenged to put into practice knowledge situated from the testimonial, when contingency allows. Ultimately, situating oneself is a way of dealing with contingency, of working with it as it happens.

In this context, we have invited the artist Julia Spínola to OLLA. After a recent residency, Julia returns to the Hangar to talk with the residents about her latest productions.

Julia Spínola was born in Madrid in 1979 and currently lives and works in Barcelona. She has shown her work in various solo and group exhibitions, including Cambio de uso, Galería Ehrhardt Flórez (Madrid, 2023), Persona, foto, copia, Museo Artium (Vitoria, 2023); Café con leche, piña, huevo con jitomate, cebolla y cilantro, together with Susana Solano and David Bestué, at  Carreras Múgica Gallery (Bilbao, 2023), vis., at Espai 13 of  Miró Foundation (Barcelona, 2020); Rojamente, Espacio Artiatx (Bilbao, 2020); Lubricán, CA2M (Madrid, 2018).

Practical information
Date: February 6
Time: 11am
Space: kitchen (Tallers Hangar)
Behind closed doors activity for resident artists.

Categories: Agenda Hangar | Tags:

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