You may find here the news published on Hangar’s website between 2006 and 2010
You may find here the news published on Hangar’s website between 2006 and 2010
(Català) El divendres 19.11 comencem amb el taller organitzat per l'Ull Cec : Data-driven Sound Synthesis. Seminari sobre síntesi informada per dades d'anàlisis i el dissabte 20.11 s'uneixen Fase II:Construeix el teu propi sintetitzador modular: Construcció d'un generador de soroll i aleatoriedad i el tercer lliurament del cicle Cargando, organitzat per Producciones Doradas a Hangar, Construcció d'instruments musicals a través [...]
We would like to inform you that we have detected some flaws in the software of Hangar's website that might make the visualisation of some of its contents difficult. We are presently trying to minimise these errors whilst working on our new site. Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
Hangar's Programme Committee carried out personal interviews with each of the shortlisted applicants on the 26th of October, and decided to grant a studio space to the following artists: Tamara Kuselman, Pere Llobera, Ainara Elgoibar, Toni Hervás, Isabel Servera, and Fito Conesa, all of whom will have a two-year rental agreement, starting January 2011.
1. History of transformation processes within the music industry.4th of November, from 17:00 to 21:002. Paradigm shifts and overview of new strategies and working models used for the production and circulation of music.5th of November, from 17:00 to 20:00, and 6th of November, from 11:00 to 14:00, and from 16:00 to 19:00. To sign up, send an email to [...]
30th and 31st of October, starting at 11AM.
After meeting on the 26th of October of 2010, Hangar's Programme Committe has decided to shortlist the following artists, out of a total of 90 applicants:Fito Conesa, Pere Llobera, Ainara Elgoibar, Toni Hervás, Andrea Ayala, Tamara Kuselman, Isabel Servera, Cooperativa General Humana, Ryan Rivadeneyra, Vazquez & Arrieta, David F. Mutiloa, Anibal Parada.The final selection will be decided upon after personal [...]
From 15/10 to 3/11 A new collaboration between Eines Golferichs Centre Cívic and allows for a new exhibition to open every three months, showing the latest in electronic and digital art being made in Barcelona, using a presentation format.Artists: Ricardo Iglesias You may see the project up until the third of November, at the Eines Golferichs medialab.+info here
For the third consecutive year, Hangar will be hosting some of the shows included in the Escen Poblenou Festival. This year it will be the Dimitri Ialta Company's turn, who will be presenting "El lugar equivocado" (The Wrong Place). Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th, at 18:00 and 20:00Tickets: 4€
9th and 10th of October: Building an oscillatorTaught by: Befaco.orgTime: From 11:00 onwardFee: 120€ or 110€ if you pay before the 24th of October or if you already built one in the first instalmentLloc: Hangar's multi-purpose space
On the 8th, 9th and 10th of October: Sound Pointillism. Practical workshop on Granular Synthesis using SuperCollider.
History of tranformation processes within the music industry Taught by: Producciones DoradasDates: 7th and 8th of October, from 17:00 to 21:00.Fee:10€ We will explain the paradigm shifts that the music sector has undergone throughout the 20th century in order to analyse the present process of change within the music century today, in the 21st century.
Hangar participates in the PRBB (Barcelona Biomedical Research Park) in a set of interactive multimedia exhibitions created in collaboration with the centre for biomedical research.
A curatorial essay by LaPinta. A number of curators and Hangar's resident artists will present their projects in Macba's Auditorium on the 6th and 7th of October.David Bestué/Marc Vives & Sofie Van Loo; Sergi Botella & Javier Marroquí/David Arlandis; Joan Cabrer & Miguel Ángel Pascual; Guillermo de Pfaff & Ane Agirre Loinaz; Jordi Ferreiro & Chus Martínez; Alberto Gracia & [...]
Enrolment for the following Continuous Training for Visual Artists courses is now open:
Ja està oberta la inscripció als següents cursos del Programa de Formació Contínua per a Artistes Visuals:Tecnologies i metodologies del vídeo digital: Curs orientat a oferir un recorregut metodològic per els processos del vídeo digital, per tal d’enfortir les capacitacions tècniques dels artistes que integren el vídeo digital en el seu procés de creació o de comunicació.Docent: Pol GonzalezLloc: Hangar18, [...]