Tag Archives: archive

(Català) TOP (Tallers oberts del Poblenou).


18-19 de setembre de 12h a 20h
Descarrega el programa complert

Inauguració el 17 de setembre a las 20.30h a La Fundició, C/ Pallars 178

Published on: 15. September 2010 by Hangar
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New program of continuous training courses

curso FC


Here are our upcoming courses of Continuous Training for Visual Artists. Enrolment is now open!


Published on: 14. September 2010 by Hangar
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Performance Workshop taught by Masu Fajardo (Suicida Supervivencia) – Free entry –

How to disappear onstage. Tools for churning out performances in a jiffy.

Saturday 18th of September, from 16: 00 until 20:00, and Sunday 19th of September from 12:00 to 13:30 and from 15:00 to 19:00.

At Hangar’s studio space.


Contact and applications: suicidasupervivencia@gmail.com

Published on: 13. September 2010 by Hangar
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Hangar Obert- Tallers Oberts Poble Nou (Top)


September 17 th, 18th and 19th, 2010

Opening hours: from 12:00 to 14:00, and from 15:00 to 20:00

More information on the program and its activities here.

Published on: 06. September 2010 by Hangar
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3.3.3 Supercollider Users Group Berlin

ruben patiño en Hangar3.3.3 is a multichannel audio-visual project born within the Supercollider Users Group in Berlin, developed in large part at NK and finished in Hangar. 3.3.3 will be presented during the Supercollider Symposium in Ausland at the end of september.

Patiño, as first artist-in-residence of l’Ull Cec in collaboration with Hangar, continues to work on this project  from 9th until 20th august. The results will be presented as well in autumm 2010 in Hangar (Barcelona).

Published on: 18. August 2010 by Hangar
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(Català) Dijous oberts!

(Català) Aquest dijous 12.08 no hi haurà consultories del Lab a Hangar. Disculpeu les molesties!

Published on: 11. August 2010 by Hangar
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Hangar is open throughout the summer holidays

Hangar will be open throughout the month of August to meet your production needs and questions.

Published on: 28. July 2010 by Hangar
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24th and 25th of July: New Fase II Workshop: Fourth Instalment

Time: 11:00
Fee: 150  (if paid after July 9th)
Contact: befacosynth(at)gmail.com

MIDI is by far the most widespread system for musical communication amongst macines. The VC (voltage control) is the system that was initially created for tis purpose. 

In tihs fourth instalment, we will build an interface that will allow for communication between these two systems, offering the possibility to connect our synthesiser to a computer or to any othher MIDI device. 

Published on: 22. July 2010 by Hangar
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Presentation of the Degree in Electronic and Digital Arts (European University of Madrid)

presented by Kepa Landa

When: Thursday 15th of July at 20:00
Where: Hangar

Free entrance!

Published on: 13. July 2010 by Hangar
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(Català) Dissabte 10 de juliol a les 18’00h a LABfàbrica de Celrà.


Coincidint amb el Taller D’arduinomes , Alex Posada serà l’artista ponent convidat als  DILABS a LABfàbrica.

Published on: 08. July 2010 by Hangar
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(Català) 10 y 11 de Julio. Fase II. Construcció de sintetitzadors modulars .Taller de lliure elecció


Els tallers de lliure elecció tenen com fi augmentar la continuïtat del
cicle i permetre que la gent pugui fabricar-se qualsevol dels projectes
proposats en tallers anteriors.
En aquest lliurament de fase dues es podra triar entre els següents
mòduls (segons disponibilitat dels materials):
VCO-Oscilador control.lat per voltatge

VCF-filtre control.lat per voltatge

EG-Generador d’evolupant

Font d’alimentació

+info: www.befaco.org
contacto: befacosynth@gmail.com

Published on: 08. July 2010 by Hangar
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Application Process for a Studio in Hangar is now open

Long-term stays (up to two years)
Applications will be received from July 1st until October 19th, 2010.
Studios will be available in  January 2011.

Information, application form and rental rates

Published on: 07. July 2010 by Hangar
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Call for aplications for a studio in Hangar

Long term stays (up to 2 years), beginning in January 2011.
Application deadline: October 19th 2010

More information, application forms and rental rates here.

Published on: 07. July 2010 by Hangar
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Generatech returns to Hangar

Published on: 01. July 2010 by Hangar
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(Català) Resultat selecció final beca Hangar – TWS de Tòquio i Casa das Caldeiras de Sao Paulo

(Català) El jurat del TWS de Tòquio ha decidit seleccionar en primer lloc a  Daniel Jacoby per a la residència de 3 mesos (d’octubre a desembre de 2010) i en segon lloc a Jasmina Llobet, en cas de cancel·lació del primer seleccionat.

El jurat de Casa das Caldeiras de Sao Paulo ha decidit seleccionar en primer lloc a  Raúl Díaz Reyes per a la residència de 3 mesos (de l’ 1 de setembre al 31 de novembre de 2010) i en segon lloc a Félix Orcajo Maroto, en cas de cancel·lació del primer seleccionat.

Published on: 29. June 2010 by Hangar
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