Tag Archives: recoding

Office of transparency and good governance

Hangar is a project with a singular legal and institutional body. The center was a project promoted by an association of visual artists at the end of the 1990s; at the legal level, it was constituted as a private foundation with a Board of Trustees made up mainly of artists, but its objectives, its contextual […]

Published on: 08. January 2023 by antonio gagliano
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Conversation between Laurence Rassel and Nicolas Malevé


On Saturday, May 13, at 5 pm, a conversation between Laurence Rassel and Nicolas Malevé will be held at Hangar with the participation of Efraín Foglia, Jara Rocha, Anna Manubens and Antonio Gagliano.

The meeting is the first public opening of InfraMaintenance, a line of research-action of Hangar for 2022-2025 that, for now, has three areas […]

Published on: 28. April 2023 by antonio gagliano
Categories: Agenda Hangar | Tags: , , |

Infrastructures for Artistic Research, with Marwa Arsanios & Dora García

There seems to be a certain consensus on the gradual consolidation of a singular field of research, which would be artistic or artist research. Undoubtedly, the proliferation of higher education programs in the arts and their diverse traditions have integrated the requirements of the academic reserarch into artistic training. However, to this day, it remains […]

Published on: 10. February 2023 by carolina hangar
Categories: Agenda Hangar | Tags: , , , |

Infrastructure> Glitch> Maintenance: a multiplier event

On July 5th Hangar celebrates Infrastructure> Glitch> Maintenance: a multiplier event, a space for dissemination and technical self-reflection in which to discuss various questions arising from the conception, construction and implementation of the Arc-hive, platform, which has aimed to create an open source digital space to add, preserve, publish, distribute and contextualize a variety of […]

Published on: 23. June 2022 by Luciana
Categories: Research and transfer of knowledges activities, Agenda Hangar | Tags: , , |

InfraMaintenance 1. Hangar in residence in Hangar.

In the art context, as it is the case in other areas pegged to research, it seems that although there is no clear definition of what a “residency” is (most probably because it is a mutating, adaptive and situated concept), there is however an operational consensus, a kind of functional agreement on its modus operandi. […]

Published on: 31. January 2022 by carolina hangar
Categories: Research archive, Research | Tags: , , |

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