Activities of the residents
(Català) Taller d’improvisació conduïda amb mitjans electrònics a càrrec de Za
This name, Paratext, hides a monthly programme of presentations by the artists residents in Hangar of long and short [...]
On 20 November Hangar hosts the presentation of the M.A.M.I. museum, a project by the artist in residence [...]
On November 28 at 7 p.m., the artist in residence Kenneth Dow gives a hands on presentation of [...]
This name, Paratext, hides a monthly programme of presentations by the artists residents in Hangar of long and short [...]
Here you will find the activities that Hangar residents will be doing during the [...]
Activities of the residents
Paratext#30 with Anna Irina Russell, Lucía Egaña Rojas and Tere Recarens
This name, Paratext, hides a monthly programme of presentations by the artists residents in Hangar of long and short [...]
Activities of the residents
Mercedes Mangrané awarded at the Fundació Vila Casas and selected in Mardel
The artist in residence Mercedes Mangrané has formed part of Swab Art Fair with the Ana Mas Projects [...]
From September 27 to 30 the artists in residence Julia Gorostidi, Lara Fluxà and Michael Lawton [...]
Activities of the residents
Southern Transdisciplines: Science, Writing and Sexual Dissidence Activism in Chile, with Jorge Díaz
The artist in residence Lucía Egaña presents on October 10th a new edition of [...]
On September 15th, the artist in residence Lucía Egaña Rojas will perform at [...]