Between September 29th and 30th, the collective will host a free workshop on environmental [...]
During the colonial period until shortly before the end of the empire, Brazil was [...]
Between September 23 and 28th 2017 the artist in residence Lucía Egaña will participate [...]
Lucía Egaña is part of the book “No existe sexo sin racialización” that will [...]
In the framework of the Talking Back cycle the artist in residence Lucía Egaña [...]
The resident artist Francisco Navarrete Sitja participates in the collective exhibition Territorio Compartido in Concepción, Chile. The exhibition, which [...]
From 5th to 20th September, the artist in residence Mercedes Mangrané presents “Recompensa”, her first solo exhibition at Ana [...]
Hangar has been participating for years at the TOP ( Poblenou Open Workshops), an [...]
Activities of the residents
Francisco Navarrete Sitja selected in Estéticas transversales / Ecosistemas periféricos
The project Cuando tu materia deviene desborde of the artist in residence Francisco Navarrete [...]
ELASTIC FLOOR is a concept developed by the artist in residence Rubén Patiño. [...]
The artist in residence Francisco Navarrete Sitja has been selected in the Can Felipa [...]
On July 18th, the artist David Mutiloa, one of the winners of the Second [...]
This summer, the Possible Bodies inventory rotates towards Hangar (Barcelona) for a two-week residency. [...]
Sessions Polivalents nº10 RANDOM
Guest artists
Antonio R. Montesinos / Ciprian Homorodean / Marc Larré / Txe Roimeser/ Ona [...]
The jury of Getxoarte 2017 has selected the artists who will participate in the [...]