Next tuesday April 18th at 8pm Rubén Patiño presents Lag OS Swamp 333 Medley [...]
On April 1st Ariadna Guiteras presents Hacer pan, como follar / petra óleum in [...]
Befaco participates in the second edition of Superbooth thal will be happening in Berling [...]
Antonio R. Montesinos opens #nyap on April 19 [...]
On April 12th Andrea Gómez presents VOID STRIKE. A [...]
Paratext hides a monthly schedule of presentations by artists in residency in Hangar, always [...]
Activities of the residents
Call to participate in the performance “Turtle” by the artist Ariadna Guiteras
On 20 May 2017, in the framework of “La nit dels Museus”, a project [...]
Florian Freier participates in No secrets! – Images of surveillance organized by the Photographic [...]
Activities of the residents
(Català) Artífex de la desobediència: Un documental sobre creativitat feminista a Barcelona guanyador de la 31º edició del Premi Maria Aurèlia Capmany
On March 14 at 19’00 the artist in residence Ariadna Guiteras participates in “Embodied [...]
On Saturday 11 March at 19’00h the artist in residence Christina Schultz gives a [...]
On March 2th at 7:30h the artist in residence Marco Noris inaugurates “It wasn’t [...]