Activities of the residents
Flow Series is a programme promoted by the Fundació Han Nefkens and the [...]
On the one hand, at the opening party, Troya Midet will be playing a version [...]
Resident artist Andrea Gómez takes part in “Intervalo”, the exhibition [...]
Activities of the residents
(Català) Antonio R. Montesinos participa en la publicació on-line “Cartografias Artístiques i Territórios Poètics”
Activities of the residents
(Català) Antonio R. Montesinos presenta La Ciudad Demudada al “Proyecto Canícula”
From 11th July to 18th September, Antonio R. Montesinos presents La Ciudad Demudada as part [...]
Empire of Rats is a publication combining text and photos which was developed as [...]
Activities of the residents
David Franklin selected at the Premio de Pintura held by Fundación Vila Casas
Every year the Vila Casas Fundation convokes its prize in painting, photography and sculpture. On [...]
Activities of the residents
Results of the workshop “Production of Virtual Reality Pre-Recorded Experiences with The Machine To Be Another”
Results of the workshop teached in August in Hangar by Be Another Lab, one of our resident projects.
[...] -
Across 5 afternoons, participants will be guided to experience different sets of [...]
When the body is the machine, the machine must be well maintained; it must [...]