Paratext #58 with Jenny Abouav, Mariana Portela Echeverri, Olivia Jack and Oriol Fuster
This name, Paratext, hides a monthly program of performances by artists in residence at Hangar as well as artists [...]
This name, Paratext, hides a monthly program of performances by artists in residence at Hangar as well as artists [...]
An invitation to observe and speculate on the invisible life surrounding us.
“Nothing is more queer than nature”, Brigitte [...]
Hamaca runs the workshop Sexcript: experimental methodologies to depatriarchalize porn scripts, by El Instituto de Estudios del [...]
Aquí encontrarás noticias y actividades que artistas y colectivos residentes realizarán durante el mes de noviembre de 2021, dentro [...]
On the 30th and 31st of October, the collective in residence Crater-lab runs the workshop Contact Printer at [...]
This name, Paratext, hides a monthly program of performances by artists in residence at Hangar as well as artists [...]
Within the framework of the AI and Music S+T+Arts Festival, the collective in residence TOPLAP Barcelona and [...]
Mario Ciaramitaro, along with Blauer Hase and Giulia Morucchio are running the tenth edition of Helicotrema, [...]